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I woke up and I was 7 again. It was winter and that's what scared me the most back then. The day had been rough for me I had scared myself good and I wished I didn't have the power anymore.

Tap... Tap tap.

I got out of bed to look and see what was tapping my window. I sat on the little chair and stared at the snow swirling around. I wished so badly I could create that myself. I knew if I had control I could. Then I saw it, a person floated up outside my window. He had a blue sweater, brown pants, and a brown staff. I looked at his face, his eyes were ice blue, he had shaggy, short, white hair and, his skin was paler than the average person, all like me, except my hair was more of a blonde. He smiled and a rabbit appeared in my window, it danced around my room, climbing higher and higher until it burst into a puff of snow I laughed, smiled, and spun around. He smiled and flew away, I ran to my window and leaned agains the sill, but when I touched it the glass frosted over and the mysterious boy vanished from my sight leaving me with the question, who was he?

Then the scene changed and I was 18 I sat in my room crying, lost, and alone, my parents had just died. All I could do was cry, I was terrified. my dad had always been the one there to help me, he made me less scared but now I didn't have that.

I stared out the window, the moon was so full and bright, as I stared at it with puffy eyes I heard a whisper, "I'm sorry" it said.

"H-hello?" I said

"I'm sorry" it whispered again

That was the first time I heard the man in the moon talk.

I heard same dark laughter I always heard. "Awww" it said "how sweet, Jack Frost visited you then the man in the moon, you must be so special."

"Go away" I yelled at it

" Oh but the fun is just beginning you see"

"NO, go away!"

"Fine" it said then I turned around and it was a night when I still slept with Ana, before the accident. I heard Ana jump on my bed.

"Elsa get up." She said

"Ana go back to sleep" I replied and I realized when the voice willingly left me. He was going to show me this night again.

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play" she said

"Go back to sleep" I said pushing her off my bed.

Ana got back up and said "we can build a snowman," she said.

I wanted to say no but I couldn't stop myself from saying "Ok come on."

As we ran down the halls I was screaming in my head NO NO NO NO GO BACK but this was only a memory and I can't change the past. We got to the door to the ball room.

"Do the magic!" Ana said

"Ok, ok, ready?" I asked and snow flakes fell from the ceiling and the growing got coated in a powdery white snow. We made a snowman, I went behind him and moved his hands "hi my names Olaf and I like warm hugs"
Ana giggled. We played for hours until Ana started jumping higher and higher and I would catch her but she started going to fast and I accidentally hit her head.

She fell and I caught her. "Ana? Ana! MOMMA, PAPPA!" I yelled hey came running in and this is where things started to be different.

"Elsa! how could you hurt your sister!" my momma said

"This is so unlike you!" my papa said

"I'm sorry it was a accident!" I said

"How was all of this an accident!"he said pointing around the room. "Your sister is dead now because of you!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry it was an accident!" I yelled

"It's your fault" they chanted "it's your fault"

They got louder and louder, blocking out any other sound. I put my hands on my ears but that didn't help a bit.

I ran outside the ballroom into the hallway but the voices were still so loud "ITS YOUR FAULT" they shouted. When I got out side there was no hallway just darkness a black abyss. I turned to go back in the ballroom but it wasn't their. "ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!" they screamed now and I crunched into a little ball hoping to shield myself from the screams when I woke with a start. I was in my room safe. I was the queen now but the adults still didn't trust me, and Ana had Kristoff. I still felt so alone.

TwoFrozen Hearts (Jack Frost x Elsa)Where stories live. Discover now