Chapter One

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Chapter 1

"Mama?" Seventeen year old Marie asked nervously, squirming in the back seat of the car.

"Yes, baby?" Diana replied looking back at her youngest daughter.

"Do I have to go to school next week?" Marie whined.

"Yes!" Diana snapped looking irritated turning around facing forward, in the passenger seat as her son drove,heading back to the family home.

Marie, crestfallen looked at her nineteen year old brother in the rear view mirror, Josh as he smirked, like annoying older brother he was.

"It's not that bad and plus you still need to find your mate," Josh replied smartly causing Marie to send him a dirty look.

"Mama when do I have to find my mate by?" Marie asked sweetly

"Two weeks ago" Dianna said through clenched teeth, "And remember it may be a possibility for you to have multiple mates, my dear, one of each species and one fae like yourself".

Marie looked out the backseat window as they pull up in the driveway of their home. Dread settling at the bottom of her stomach at the thought of rejection from her mate or mates with being a fae, her mother, Diana, a lovely vampire with fae running in her veins, once a princess of russian royalty, and her father, a dashing spanish werewolf also with recessive fae, said to be descended from the gods. They fell in love against all odds having eight children, throughout the one hundred and fifty years or so they've been together.

Marie's eldest brothers, wolves like their father, Antonio and Anthony, died twenty years ago in a military raid that went wrong. Her oldest sister's, vampires like their mother, Karen and Margaret, died two years after Marie's birth in a boating incident. Twins in Marie's family seemed to be connected so deeply, that if something happens to one the other feels the same, sharing every aspect of their lives together to be one person inside two bodies, so when one of the half of the set passed away, the other soon follows. Maire's middle siblings the triplets were also were, although not as connected as the twins they still had similarities, Jacob, Jackson, and Joshua.Two of the three, Jacob and Jackson are away at college having graduated early. Broadening their horizons,they said, but haven't been heard from in three months, and Josh, he could've went along with the other two, but decided to stay to help protect his baby sister. Marie always felt left out being she was the only fae in her family that remained alive and the constant urging from her mother and father, to find her mates to further her protection, to remain away from the watchful eyes of both of all the high councils. Marie felt her mother pushing her away and was hurt with the briskness of it,

Marie felt tears welling up "I'm sorry, I'm such a trouble, mama. I know you wish Karen and Margaret were still here instead of me, it'd be easier to find them mates." Marie reached for the door handle "nobody wants to be with a fae."

Diana looked back shocked at her daughter's words, "yes I miss your sisters, but I do not wish you were gone, I just wish you'd find your mates or mates and be safe my dear."

Josh looked back at Marie shocked as he put the car in park, the car in the driveway of their house. He quickly jumped out of the driver seat racing around to where Marie was exiting "What's wrong with you?", he demanded.

Marie shaking her head, grabbed her things and hopped out of the vehicle, heading towards the house with her brother and mother trailing slowly behind her, Diana abruptly going back to the car

Diana looked over her shoulder quickly trying to hide her terrified expression, "I'll be back , have to run an errand." she got into the car and drove off leaving a hurt Marie and a worried Josh, she spun around quietly leaving a stumped brother in her wake. Josh hurried after her.

"Mom didn't mean it that way, Mar " Josh explained to Marie's back, walking a good ten steps behind her. A tall man, that Josh recognized the instant he stepped out from behind the large cement block separating the two parking spaces in the driveway. Tenderly pulling a stunned Marie close to his body, whispering in her ear to softly for Josh to hear even with his advance senses, Marie's struggles against the man slowly came to a halt Josh sensed what was happening. She was showing the mating signs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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