A Broppy Valentine

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It was Valentines Day in the troll tree and Branch was in his new blue pod right next door to Poppy's. The blue troll was at his desk making a very special card for Poppy. Two reasons as for why that is was A: it had to be perfect for her and B: the blue troll was hopelessly in love with the pink troll. When he was finished making it he wrote a poem in it and added To Poppy Love Branch. "Perfect." He said taking a good long look at it. It was heart shaped and the same shade of pink as Poppy's skin with some lace that was the shade of blue as Branch's skin all wrote in purple ink and had little hot pink hearts all over it. "I hope she'll like it." He said and went out the petal to his pod. He was looking for the beautiful queen until he saw her with their friends the Snack Pack. Why had they chosen that name? He didn't know. They were handing out gifts to each other, Poppy had the most gifts because she was the Queen after all. He was so nervous to approach her but got over it and walked right up to her. "H-hey Poppy." He said with nervousness in his voice. Poppy and The Snack Pack turned around to see Branch. "Oh hi Branch." Poppy said with a happiness in her voice and eyes. Branch sighed dreamily in his head, he could get lost in those gorgeous hot pink eyes of hers all day and never look away. "Hi Branch." The Snack Pack said all at once with wide smiles on their faces. Ever since what happened after the trolls and bergens became friends they were huge shippers of the blue troll and the pink troll because they were cute as heck together. "Hey guys." Branch said with a smile on his face. He looked back at Poppy with a nervous smile again. "So Poppy since it's Valentines Day I made you a card." He said and showed her the card. "Oh Branch it's beautiful, thank you." She said with a smile so sweet that it made her glitter freckles glimmer. Branch always thought those freckles were adorable and beautiful just like the rest of her. "Well well well. Isn't that sweet and disgusting." Said a very familiar voice. They all turned around to see Creek. "CREEK?!!!" They all said at once. "What are you doing here?!" Branch said in anger. "What I can't visit my old friends?" Creek said in an evil mock tone. "We are not your friends anymore." Said Guy Diamond who glared at Creek. "Your loss." Said Creek and spotted the card in Branch's hand and snatched it from him. "Hey give that back, it's for Poppy!" Branch shouted in anger. Creek rolled his eyes and opened the card and read what was inside and bursted into laughter. "This is so pathetic. Hey Poppy you want to hear what he wrote about you?" He said. "That's none of your business about what he wrote Creek." Poppy said in anger towards the purple troll. Creek ignored her though and read what was inside anyway in front of every troll there ever was. "Your gorgeous hot pink eyes glow like the sunset but any sunset can't compare to them, your glitter freckles twinkle and shine like the stars in the night sky but those stars are not beautiful enough like them, your beautiful light pink skin is like a million roses but of course no flowers are as beautiful as you my Poppy and last but not least your hair is like sweet hot pink cotton candy but any cotton candy cannot describe how sweet you are. I love you Poppy and I hope one day you'll be my beautiful queen love Branch." He said in front of the entire troll population. Poppy had a shocked face and a hot pink blush darker than her hair on her face but she wasn't the only one who had a shocked face, all of the other trolls had one. Branch looked like he wanted to pass out with how much he was blushing dark blue of embarrassment. Poppy turned to face him. "Branch, is that true?" She asked with a shocked voice. "I-i uh-uh well uhm." Branch stuttered thinking of how to answer that but before he could Creek answered it instead. "Of course it's true but why would someone as beautiful as you ever love a hopeless once grey ugly freak like him?" He said. Poppy was so furious she wanted to clock Creek in the jaw until she heard sniffling and turned to look at Branch with tears in his beautiful light blue eyes and busted out crying and running away. "Branch wait!" Poppy said trying to catch up to him but it was too late and turned towards Creek with an angry expression on her face along with the Snack Pack and all the other trolls. "How could you say that about him?! He's not ugly or a freak, you are! He's the most Handsomest and sweetest troll there ever was and even if he was still grey I would love him more than you, you big fat bully!" She said in rage. "Why though?" Creek asked bored. "Because unlike you he showed me true love and colors you selfish heartless prick!!!" Poppy yelled. Everyone gasped when she said such a word. She turned to her friends. "Guys I'm going after Branch. Can you take care of Creek for me?" She said. "Sure Poppy no sweat. Go find your man. We'll take care of this one." Cooper said as he and the rest of the Snack Pack and trolls glared at Creek with venom in their eyes. "Thanks guys." Poppy said and ran to go look for Branch. Creek was walking backwards as all the trolls were towering him. "We're going to teach you a good lesson." Smidge said in her deep voice that had fire in it. Poppy was looking everywhere for Branch but couldn't find him. She looked down in sadness and was about to give up until she saw a lock of dark blue hair poking out of a bush and ran towards it and to her relief and excitement found Branch sitting in front of a small pond crying his beautiful eyes out. She was not excited or relieved about that. She took a seat right next to him with a frown on her face. "Branch please don't listen to what Creek said. We all know he's a lying piece of shit." She said immediately regretting saying that word. Branch looked up at her with a surprised look on his face. "Poppy I'm surprised at you. You normally don't say stuff like that." He said still crying. "Sorry I didn't mean to say that." Poppy said and changed the subject. "So did you really mean what you said in the card? You really think I'm beautiful and you love me?" She asked still shocked he said that in the card. "Yes Poppy I did mean it. But what does it matter anyway? I know you don't feel the same way about me." Branch said looking down at the ground what surprised her was not only everything he meant in the card and what he said about her not loving him back was the fact that his color started to fade away and he was grey once again. She could not stand to see Branch so sad and grey again, it took her a few seconds but then she started to sing for him this time. "You with the sad eyes. Don't be discouraged. Oh I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people. You can loose sight of it all. The darkness inside you can make you feel so small." Branch looked up at her. It was the same song he sang to her when they along with the population of trolls were about to be eaten and lost hope, he smiled at her as she continued. "Show me a smile then. Don't be unhappy, can't remember when I last saw you laughing. This world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear. Just call me 'cause I'll always be there and I see your true colors shining through." Branch was beginning to regain his colors again with the same smile on his face. "I see your true colors and that's why I love you." Poppy sang as a shocked look appeared on Branch's face. He couldn't believe it. She loved him back, he was so happy that he decided to join her. "So don't be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors are beautiful." They sang together with their angelic voices and got up began to slow dance like they did in the trollstice troll pot. "I see your true colors shining through." "True colors." "I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show." "Your true colors." "True colors." "Are beautiful." "Like a rainbow." "Ooh ooh like a rainbow." They finished together. They were looking in each other's eyes. Hot pink meeting sky blue. "Branch I love-" poppy said before Branch pressed his blue lips in to her pink ones. Poppy's eyes were wide in shock. He was kissing her, he was actually kissing her. Right there right now. She closed her eyes and cupped his blue glittery cheeks in her hands. He did the same with her pink glittery cheeks. The Snack Pack walked to were Poppy and Branch were. They all had Creek's disgusting blood all over them. They stopped when they saw the scene in front of them. Poppy and Branch were kissing on the lips. They were so happy and excited for their friends that Satin and Chenille almost squealed. Almost. Poppy and Branch broke away from the beautiful moment, both had a big blush on their face. "Poppy, I love you." Branch said making Poppy cry tears of happiness. "I love you too, Branch. And don't listen to what Creek said. You're the most Handsomest and sweetest troll I've ever known." Poppy said. "And you're the most beautiful and sweetest troll I've ever known." Branch said with a smirk. Their moment was ruined when they heard shouts of 'AWWWWWWWWWE' and turned to look at their friends the Snack Pack looking at them. Both of them had wide eyes and blushes on their faces. "Uh how much did you guys see?" Poppy said "When both of you guys-" Satin started. "-where kissing each other." Chenille finished. Poppy and Branch were so dark pink and blue they thought they were about to faint. "You too are so cute. Isn't that right Mr Dinkles?" Biggie said to his pet glow worm who just 'mewed' in response. "Congratulations you two and here's your card Branch gave you Poppy." DJ Suki said handing Poppy the card. "Thanks guys. And May I ask why all of you are covered in blood?" Poppy asked. "Oh we kicked Creek's ass then eventually got tired and decided to just go to Bergan Town and asked Bridget and Gristle if we can feed him to Barnabus and they said yes and Barney ate him." Cooper said. Poppy and Branch's eyes were so wide that their eyebrows blended in their hair. "Wow guys. That sounds pretty hardcore and extreme. And I like it. Now we don't have to see that asshole ever again." Branch said as he and Poppy stared at their friends with proud smiles. "Yes me too." Poppy said and turned to face Branch with a loving smile which he returned. "Anyway Branch, I never got to give you your Valentines Day card." Poppy said as she took out a light blue heart shaped card that was the same shade of light blue as Branch's skin with light pink lace that was the same shade of  light pink asPoppy's skin and dark blue hearts all over it with red ink that said To Branch Love Poppy and gave it to him. He happily took it and opened it to find a poem like the one he wrote except it said: "Your gorgeous light blue eyes shine bright like the day sky but the sky can't compare to them,Your adorable glitter freckles twinkle like the stars in the night sky but no stars can twinkle as much as them, Your handsome light blue skin reminds me of blue flowers but no flowers are as handsome as you my Branch, And last but certainly not least your dark blue hair reminds me of cotton candy but cotton candy can never describe how sweet you are. I love you Branch and I hope one day you'll be my handsome King. Love Poppy." Branch stared at her with love in his eyes. "Of course I will Poppy no matter what." He said "Poppy will you be my Valentine?" He said. "Yes I will Branch." Poppy said and kissed his cheek. The Snack Pack couldn't hold it in. They burst out crying tears of joy. "SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Biggie said. Poppy and Branch rolled their eyes in amusement and began walking back to The Troll Tree with The Snack Pack following still crying. They held each other's hands behind their backs. It truly was a Happy Broppy Valentines Day. The End. Well that was my first trolls story and sorry about the Blood. Happy Valentines Day my little Broppys.💙💖

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