Lilly Fair

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Bright summer sunlight saturated the outside world and filtered in through the sheer lace curtains of a large, upstairs window. Birds in the trees beyond the white-framed glass, chittered and sang. Mid-morning beckoned like a dear old friend, but the young woman inside could not see it. Nor could she feel its warmth as it traced moving patterns across her bare legs with illuminated fingertips.

Instead, she lay motionless upon the disheveled bed. Her eyes fixated on a small, seemingly inconspicuous prescription bottle. It's orange-hued reflection danced about merrily, mockingly, on the polished surface of the bedside table.

She was exhausted from the effort of merely breathing. Her mind weary from twenty years of living. Twenty years of heartache. Twenty years of pain.

Oh, how she longed for the courage to just reach for that bottle!

The weight of her own weakness sank her further into a tumultuous abyss, 'It would be so simple....really....'

Suddenly, a shadow blotted out the welcoming rays, like storm clouds passing over the sun. The young woman squeezed her red-rimmed eyes shut. Her body stiffened reflexively. She gasped for breath, as the atmosphere of the room drastically changed.

A rising chorus of soft, menacing laughter echoed into the closed space, along with the creeping shadows. They slid down the walls; pooling low along the empty wall opposite her bed. Then a single shadow separated itself from the rest. The vaporous mass twisted and churned, thickening, until a solitary figure appeared in its place. He was tall. Powerful. Elegant. Almost too handsome for mortal eyes to rest upon.

But she had seen this all before.

He was beyond vile. Cruelty flowed through his veins. No amount of physical beauty or finery could ever mask his malicious soul. Evil, dripped from those honeyed lips. His vanity was so great, that he never appeared to her clothed in the same garments twice.

Today, he was dressed like a playboy prince. Clad in nothing more than loose, black silk pants and a smoking jacket, belted at the waist with a embroidered sash. He oozed dangerous seduction. A myriad of colors undulated like tiny flames across the jacket's mezmerizing surface, and reflected like two crescent moons in his eyes.

He lifted his searing gaze to the fragile creature curled upon the bed. She delighted him like no one ever had. Just the mere sight of her, sent shivers of ecstasy reverberating down his spine.

Oh, he could no longer stand to wait!

He had returned to claim what was rightfully his. He needed her. Though - he never would admit to it.

A smirk curled the corner of his mouth. Ah, yes...his prize was awake. The gold-red sparks danced greedily in their deep obsidian pools, as he drank in the sight of flawless pale flesh exposed by the tangled burgundy chemise she wore.

"Lilly, Lilly, Lilly. Oh, my lovely Lilly Fair. Always so much sweeter, than the morning air."

A wicked grin split those perfect lips, revealing pointed teeth that gleamed like pearls. Closer he came. Out of the corner of his eye he spied the bottle. His eyes dulled briefly. The momentary shock gave him pause....'Ahhh, death in a vial...' he hissed to himself.

"Oh, come now," he sighed and flicked a hand disgustedly towards the table, "is this any way to greet someone? Your betrothed? The only one who loves you? The only one who will ever care for you?" With a playful shrug, he dropped his hands. "Tisk, tisk, tisk" he admonished softly, while shaking his head. Casually, he took a few more steps closer.

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