My Name Is Maurie, And ... Im Pregnant. 1.

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Chapter One :

"MAURIE !" My mother yelled from downstairs. I buried my head under my pillow. I hated her.

If you were me, you would understand. She had her first kid, my older brother shawn, when she was 14, after she got raped. Then, she had sex the night he came home, and woops, here I am.

"MOTHER !" I screamed back. Plus, she made my brother move out, even though he is only 17. Just because he is gay.

I like his boyfriend though. At first, the whole gay thing freaked me out. But after my brother was gay, my bestfriend is gay, and his bestfriend is bi, you get used to it.

"GET YOUR SORRY ASS UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL !" She screamed. I laughed and got up. She is always a bitch.

I scrunched my messed up hair in the mirror and did my morning ruitine.





Its been like that ever since I didn't have to wake my brother up anymore.

I honestly miss my brother, he looks at me like its my fault he had to move out and gives me dirty looks across the halls whenever he sees me.

I on the other hand, just ignore him. I miss him, sure, but yet I never really want to say hi, or wave, or have any contact with him.

Right now, he barely notices me, and Im starting to like that better then the whole hate situation.

I skipped down the stairs and ran out the door before I could eat or take pills, I really wasn't in the mood to talk to miss 'bitchy'.

"Maurie !" My one and only best friend Dylan screamed. I opened my arms wide for a hug and screamed.

"Dyl !" He laughed and hugged me.

He always waited out front to pick me up. Even when he was sick. When he had mono, I forced him to stay home by popping the tires of his truck, yet when I got out of school he was out front in his mothers car.

Blamed me for 'trying to get rid of him'

I walked over to his corvet and got in, ignoring my mother screaming at me to get my ass back inside.

"So..." I said, looking at him. He had chestnut brown hair that went to his shoulders, and was usually wearing a black hat, but was strangly not today.

Actually, what is up with that ? He isn't wearing our best friend bracelet either and isn't talking like he used to all the time.

"Dylan, Is everything okay ?" I asked. He smiled uneasily at me.

"I got a boyfriend."

My Name is Maurie, and I'm PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now