blurryface and bullies

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i'm a freak.

that's what blurryface says anyway...

I glance at the clock on the wall, ten minutes until my appointment starts. my appointment in hell that is. hell- that's what columbus, ohio high school is for a freak like me. absolute. hell.

right now, i'm in the library, across the building from where the bullies 'hang out' in the morning before class. i'm safe.

for now.


that's it. the signal for my pain to start.

"hey faggot!" i lower my head as i try to walk past duncan but i know it's useless, he grabs my arm and roughly shoves me back towards alex and michael, who, of course, start punching me- in the stomach, in the manhood, in the face, even right in the chest, winding me, then, they twist my body in a painful way that makes my vision go black at the edges and toss me to the ground to kick me in all the places they punched me. they go to leave for class but then duncan turns around and says:

"one more thing." and roughly stomps on my head, they laugh and head to trig, leaving me lying on the floor, covered in my own blood that is trickling out of my mouth.

i pass out.


"oh my god!" i cry out as i spot the vulnerable, florally-dressed , very cute boy lying in the hallway, bleeding from his mouth. i rush toward him and put him in the recovery position, careful not to touch too many of his bruises (which is hard because there's so many), and stay with him as i call out as loud as i can, hoping someone will hear, not wanting to leave the flowered, scar covered boy on his own.

after five minutes of screaming for help i decide that no-one can hear me, it's time to take better action than lying here, clutching an unconscious boy who is covered in scars and his own blood, so i text my best friend, my sister.

ashley, i'm in the hallway near trig, the one with the yellow walls and i'm with a beautiful boy who is unconscious and bleeding. he has scars all up his arms too, i've been calling for help but no-one can hear me, help me ash, don't flake on me. x

i type out a quick message that briefly explains the situation and hope for the best.



oh a text... from josh...

ashley, i'm in the hallway near trig, the one with the yellow walls and i'm with a beautiful boy who is unconscious and bleeding. he has scars all up his arms too, i've been calling for help but no-one can hear me, help me ash, don't flake on me. x

oh shit... if my brother is one thing, it's honest, so if he says he's in a corridor near trig, sitting with an unconscious boy, then that's where he is.


"yes ashley?"

"please may i be excused from class for a while? i just got a text and it's family stuff..." i say, even though it's only half true, i mean, josh is there.

"of course ashley, i hope it's better soon."

"thanks mr. manson." i say, packing up my stuff.

"any time" he says as i turn and close the door behind me. i sprint to trig, past it, to the hallway with yellow walls, at first i think this is some cruel joke, that josh is sitting in english, laughing his head off, but then i see him...

and the boy.

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