Trust is a dangerous but so is love

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It was a dark and stormy night.  Sean was an average boy walking home from school. He felt weighed down by the amount of pressure there was. It was the end of the year and he was almost finished High School. He went Freedom High school. The teachers were becoming strict as ever and the weather was mercilessly being an abnormally hot summer. The next day Sean noticed a girl, someone he never noticed before. He knew everybody in his grade and she was new.

He walked up to her and pulled a chair up and sat down. He looked at her and thought that she was not much older then him. He introduced himself and she looked at him straight in the eyes and Sean felt chills go down his spine as she watched him sit there.

She introduced herself as Sarah and she had a voice that Sean had never heard. He fell in love with her and asked if she wanted to go grab some coffee after school. She accepted his offer and Sean couldn't wait to talk to the girl. All day he would think about her and at the end of the day he got into his Marussia B1 and drove to the front of the school so pick Sarah up.

When she saw his car she got in shocked at how nice the car was. "I have never seen anything like this!" She said shocked by the soft seats and asked him how he had this car. He told her that his dad owned a company for mining out coal and salt and they had become very rich because of it. She thought she was the luckiest person in the world. She asked him how much his dad's company was worth.

He responded "About 189-301 million dollars." She sat there in shock and just stared at him in disbelieving what he had just said. "It's  true, I'd let you meet my dad, but he died when I was little."

"I'm sorry for your loss, it must be hard for you" said Sarah sadly. "I lost both of my parents when I was about 3 or 4 years old."

"Oh you can live with me if you'd like I have a guest room at my house" said Sean.

"Oh no I don't wanna bother your mother" replied Sarah.

"No no she lives in California, I'm going to go visit her after school ends. You can come along if you'd like." Sean said looking at the road and occasionally looking at her. She nodded at him and thanked him of his kindness.

They saw the coffee shop and parked on the curb and got out and walked inside of the coffee shop. They ordered their drinks and sat down and started talking. She didn't have a phone so Sean took her outside and walked along the sidewalk to reach the apple store near by. He let her choose her own phone and 3 different cases. He paid for it all and when they walked out Sarah thanked him and said "I can pay you back" but Sean just nodded no and said "My treat to you". She blushed at his soft face and asked if they wanted could meet up again after school the next day and go grab some food. She said she knew a really good sushi place near by his house. He agreed to talk her only if she would take the guest room and live with him until she wanted to move out and buy a house. She agreed and they got in Sean's car and drove home.

The next day, Sean walked out tired but ready to go to the sushi place with Sarah. He picked her up at the front of school and she told him directions to the sushi place and when they arrived they got out and walked in and took a seat. They both ordered some Maguro and some herbal tea. They talked about their lives and how somethings affected their lives.  Their food arrived and they ate and stared at each other in silence. Then Sean broke the silence "I love you and I wish to stay with you."

She looked at him and blushed and said that she does as well. After that they started dating for the next 4 weeks and news spread around the school they were dating and Sean and Sarah were happy together. They were like every normal couple, going to movies and eating at restaurants. The end of the school year came and Sean and Sarah were packing getting ready to visit Sean's mother. They took a plane to California and when they landed they were met by an elderly lady holding up Sean's name on a sign. She then looked surprised that there was a young girl, about his age next to him. Sean walked up to his mom and gave her a hug and told her that that young  girl was his girlfriend. That they had been dating for about 7 weeks. His mom teases him by saying that he finally found his girlfriend. Sean looked at his mom and asked if she would stop. She agreed to and led them to her car and put everything in. They drove to her house and dropped the luggage and went inside. She said she only had 1 guest room and bed but it should be good for the both of you. They couple looked at each other and just shrugged and took the room.

Sean's mother whispered to Sean "I don't like the girl you are dating. I don't trust her. Not one bit"  Sarah heard this and just felt pure hate for the women.

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