Part 1/1

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"We're almost there Liet... Don't worry,"



You groaned, smashing your fist onto your alarm clock. It stopped he dreadful noise, and you maybe accidentally dozed off. You must've nodded off for longer than you thought because after a bit, you heard stomping up the stairs. Your mom was coming. 'Shoot shoot shoot,' you thought, 'Mom's gonna kill me!'

The first rays of sun flickered through your cream curtains as you quickly brushed out your messy (h/s) (h/c) hair. You sprinted across the room to get dressed, and even managed to get done before your mom came in. "(Y/n)! Are you done? You have that test today!" Your eyes widened

'The test'

It was a stupid physics test, and you weren't doing so well in that class. You responded to your mom and had some (breakfast food).

You gave your mom a hug, slung the (f/c) bag over your shoulder and headed out. Your best valley-girl friend/neighbor was waiting for you on his porch. "(Y/n)! Like, what took you, like, so long!" He spoke. His name is Feliks and has choppy blonde hair and olive eyes that were glaring at you as of now. "Tired..." you mumbled, still frustrated about your test. "What's the, like, matter (Y/n)?" He asked. "Test..." you groaned back. "Hey isn't Toris, like, in your class? Like, yeah he is! He can, like, so help you!" You talked to the Lithuanian before, and he seemed polite enough. "Better than nothing," you responded and kept chatting with Feliks.

~Time Skip~

You plopped down into your seat in Physics. The teacher, Mrs. Plumberry (wut), was always late, so you could study. You tapped Toris' shoulder, instantly regretting it. 'How is he supposed to help me?! I barley even know him! Feliks whyyyyy' you thought as the brunette turned around, "Hi (Y/n)!" He said cheerfully, "Did you need something?" "Y-yea could you maybe study with me?" You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering. "Sure thing!"

And that's how you two met officially.

Now to the present!

~Time Skip Like 3 Years~

You were walking to school with Feliks but this time Toris, too. You'd found out that Toris lived close by, and you decided to ask if he wanted to walk with you two. You were still the last one out of bed though. As you three laughed, with Toris' sounding a bit forced, you realized that Feliks walked closer to Toris. 'That's strange... why would I notice that?' You thought 'I really don't know...'

You kept observing little things here and there like whenever Feliks would sit next to Toris instead of you or sat closer to him, or how Toris' eyes lit up when he saw Feliks smile. It made a bad squirmy feeling in your stomach, and you didn't like it. You couldn't quite place why though. (A/n- Poland getting in the way of you and Lithuania's relationship and Reader~chan being oblivious clichés!)

After school, Toris had to stay behind cause of his silly chess club. "It's not silly (Y/n)!" He had once said. Yeah right. You and Feliks were walking the normal way home, until the Polish boy suddenly tugged your sleeve, pulling you somewhere. "Feliks? Where are you taking me?" You asked, surprised that he did that. "You'll, like, see soon. You're totally, like, gonna love it!" He squeaked. You sighed. Sometimes he acted more like a girl than a boy. Oh well.

You two approached a field of golden rue, shimmering in the evening sun. As you gasped for breath, Feliks looked at you with shining eyes. "Here." Is all he simply said. (He doesn't say like all the time... right?) "What?" You asked, certainly confused. "Here is where you can, like, confess to him. Don't lie,

I know you have it hots for Liet." Your face burned scarlet after that comment. 'Do I? Naw.... yes?' You internally questioned. Then, like the last piece of the puzzle coming together, you realized, 'I do love him...'

All those squirmy feelings were jealousy. All those random, trivial things you noticed were because you loved him. Thank goodness Feliks didn't like him. Did Toris like anyone? Then it hit you like a truck.


He loves her, but she loves her brother Ivan. Feliks saw your sudden happiness and down spiral into disappointment. "Like, what's wrong (Y/n)?" "Natalya" you murmured, barley audible. You then trudged off, not even waiting for Feliks.

A few months pass, Valentine's Day's gone. He asked Natalya. She said no. That didn't stop your heart from cracking.

Day after day, Toris would always try to win Natalya's love but only resulted in a few broken fingers. You always confided in Feliks for advice, hey it's was better than nothing! You groaned as you walked up the hill to the school. It was you and Toris, because Feliks was sick. You two had no classes together, so you bid each other goodbye and went separate ways after entering the gate.

'He's at it again. He's there, with his school lunch tray, walking up to Natalya. He's gonna sit down right next to her and.... wait.... he's... not? That's strange,' you thought as Toris hesitated to sit down. His jade gaze met your (e/c) one. You smiled, out of habit, inviting him to sit with you.

He did.

He's been doing things like that for the last few days. For the first few weeks, he did all the normal stuff, trying to sit next to Natalya, carrying her books, pulling out her chair, but now it was with hesitation. He either stopped before doing them, or didn't do them at all. Not that Natalya minded. She was too focused on her brother and breaking he Lithuanian boy's fingers to notice him.

The next few weeks, he hung out with you more. Feliks wasn't doing too good, but he would recover. He didn't offer to hold your books, but he sat next to you at lunch. It was a start

Three weeks later, he was treating you like he did Natalya. Did he like you? Feliks was back, and he kept nagging at you to confess.


Maybe today...

Feliks knew what you were gonna do, so he stayed at school "doing extra credit". Yeah right.

You led Toris to the rue field just like Feliks did to you. Pulling at his sleeve to follow you, that's what. He groaned after a while, because of his weak stomach. "We're almost there Liet... Don't worry," was your reply.

You climbed up the hill to the field of rue.

The light made the rue look golden wth splashes of orange and bright yellow, complimenting the green perfectly. The sky was a pale blue, with one or two wispy white clouds. You took Toris' hands into your own, your eyes staring into his. "Toris.... I-I... Aš tave myliu," you finally got out. Toris looked at you with astonished eyes. You'd never been one for learning new languages, yet you had memorized this. For him. "Oh... i see.." you said, taking his silence as rejection. "I'll be going now."

He quickly spun you around and placed his lips upon yours. You gasped and kissed back quickly. He smelled of the perfect blend sweet honey and just the right spices. After a while, you two broke for air to here a Polish boy yell, "Yeah! Like, get some Liet!" You heard him yell. You started sprinting over towards him shouting, "you're gonna regret that Feliks!" He sweat dropped, running away leaving a laughing Toris behind. He was satisfied with today. He'd realized his true feelings after trying to woo Natalya for a long time. He'd be satisfied with any day as long as you're with him.

~ Fin (LAND)

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