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Itachi's legacy

    "Is that all you've got?" Obito yelled back to her, after she had knocked the criminal off his feet. It had been like this for years now. Takara was born into the group of mercenary ninja, or for lack of better words, an organization called the Akatsuki. She was trained diligently by each member and was well known for her intelligence and ability to learn quickly.

Obito was the one who found and nurtured her to become their strongest weapon. He never failed to push the girl to her limits. Because of her extensive training under the Uchiha, Takara was able to utilize all five basic chakra natures at the age of thirteen. Her strongest elements are fire and lightening release.

"Your speed is rusty" Obito commented, appearing behind her and ready to throw a hit. Until she popped up at his side, forcing a fist into his temple, sending the Uchiha flying. With great force, he had slammed into a tree. 

"You spoke too soon" A voice interposed. Takara bent forward to catch her breath and a palm was set on her shoulder, "Good work." Her Lavender gaze met with Pein's intimidating eyes. "I'm afraid Konan and I are going to have to cut your training time short." 

"That's alright" she straightened, averting her gaze toward Obito as he struggled to get up. "It looks like I've made improvements" Without another word, she placed her hands inside her pockets and was off to the lair. The edges of Konan's lips lifted into a smirk as she shot her partner a glance. "Very good"  

"You've trained her well" Pein commented, as she'd disappeared into the distance. "Yes" Obito slipped on his cloak, "Everything is falling into place quite well" 

As she trudged up the hill, Takara's eyes followed Hidan who had been chasing some man while Kakuzu followed after. A sigh of disgust left her lips as she shook her head. There was no doubt in her mind Kakuzu was trying to make a pretty penny off the ninja's head.

 Though she was brought up in an organization of criminals, she had always remained kind. She could never see the draw to going out of the way to kill someone like Hidan and Kakuzu always seemed to. She stuck to her orders and that was that. With each mission she was assigned, Takara strived against killing or using any hostages. Simple and fast is how she worked.  

"They're at it again" a deep voice startled the girl. For a moment she looked around, clueless as to where it had come from. Until, a leaf fell from the tree above. Sitting up on a branch above was Itachi. "You're early," she remarked, as he hopped down to the grassy floor.

"I had nothing better to do" he spoke. His lashes fluttered shut as he took a seat against the trunk of the oak tree. Every day after training, Takara sat with the man. Some days they would talk for hours while others they would sit in silence. Itachi's presence had calmed her to the point that she felt she could speak to him about the things that were on her mind.  He was the closest thing to a brother she could grasp.  

"I keep having this dream..." she trailed, looking off into the distance. "There's this man with blonde hair speaking to me"  she frowned as she took a seat beside the Uchiha. "As soon as I'm able to reach him, he's..." she paused, looking down to her lap. "He's impaled." 

"Impaled?" he repeated. Takara sent him a nod. "Hn..." he looked down, pondering his thoughts. "Itachi" her eyes met his, her expression hardening. "Is Leader-Sama keeping something from me about my past?"  

"-Would you look at who it is" A voice came from afar. "How could I ever guess that you'd be here" Kisame approached Takara with a smirk on his face. "Don't know" the edges of her lips curved upwards, "Maybe the Alzheimer's are finally kicking in"
"Hey!" he sent a glare her way, "I'm hardly 32"
"Is that so...?" she remarked as her composure remained calm. "You oughta be taught some manners, kid" Kisame pointed the Samehada at her. 

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