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Knock knock. "Lucy can you get that please honey".

"Yes Mother" I call back, I skip to the door. "Hello?"

"Telegram for Mrs Bell"

"Mother" I call "there's a telegram for you. "What is it?" I ask.

"Just a moment darling, let me open it". After a few seconds of reading Mother breaks down in tears and sinks onto the sofa. I quickly thank the boy and shut the door.

"Mother?" I tentatively ask. She doesn't reply, so I swiftly swipe and read the telegram. Father's been killed while on duty. I silently slip on the sofa and put my arm around my mother. Because Molly's not here it's just my mother and I.

I still remember that day even though it will be two years ago tomorrow. It has been my mother and I ever since, Molly never even came to the funeral. My mother is my rock, if she was to die I don't even know what I would do, she encourages me, inspires me and guides me. Everytime I miss my father, I think about what he was doing for our country. I still get sad though.

School goes back today, I'm glad, there are a few people there I haven't seen in awhile. Miss Jane is here to pick me up. She is like a big sister to me. "Coming Miss Jane" I call out the window, Miss Jane always walks with me to school. I gather my things and skip out the door. We have a very merry walk to school, chatting about what's been going on lately. Miss Jane informs me that all the 16 year olds have to have a chat to Miss Melody about what they would like to pursue, I already know what I want to be. A maths teacher.

During my english class a messenger comes to our room and says that I need to go to the office. When I arrive Miss Melody is sitting there with a pained look on her face. I immediately ask her whats wrong. "It's your mother Lucy. She's had a heart attack". With that sentence my whole world turns to grey.

"What will happen to me" I manage to stammer out.

"Miss Jane has offered for you to stay with her while your sister Molly comes down to look after you". I begin to get angry.

"Molly!" I yell "she hasn't seen me since I was two. She left!" Miss Melody just gives me a comforting smile. I curl up in the chair and begin to sob. Miss Melody quickly slips out of the room. A comforting arm then goes around my shoulders. I look up just a little and see a flash of beautiful red hair. I sob even harder into Miss Jane's shoulder.

Miss Jane helps me pack up my things and takes me back to my house where she helps me pack up a small bag with a few clothes in it, she then takes me back to her house. Together we set up a small cot in her spare room. The next morning Miss Jane wakes me up."Lucy, you need to have some food" she calls. I slowly walk out and eat, barely tasting the food. I numbly follow her the whole way to school barely keeping it together. I go through the motions of the day like a zombie just walking and sitting without even thinking. Miss Jane and I walked to her house through the drizzling rain. When we got there I just sat on my cot staring into space. The rain continued over the next few weeks which just added to my mood

Miss Jane has been trying to get me to eat but I'm just not hungry anymore, I'm also not sleeping I just sit on the cot at night, my mind numb. The dark circles under my eyes have now become a permanent feature. I think my friends are avoiding me, so I've been drawing more and more into myself.

The funeral is soon so I quickly pull on my black rayon dress, and slip a black pair of shoes onto my feet. Miss Jane is taking me to the funeral today. I have to speak, but I don't know what to say. Some of the teachers from my school have decided to come, none of my 'friends' have though.

There was just a small memorial for mother. I got up to speak but I just ended up sobbing.

For the last few days I haven't been doing any work at school, I've just been sitting there. I'm falling further and further behind. Molly is arriving today, I don't know what to expect, I haven't seen her in 14 years, she never to wrote to us, she never even contacted us. I don't even know what she looks like.

I slowly walk to the dock where Molly is arriving, I told Miss Jane I wanted to do this on my own, but that's because I didn't want her to see me angry. People start getting off the boat and I see a girl who looks almost exactly like my mother. "Molly?" I ask her,


I nod. She comes to try and give me a hug but I dodge out of her arms. "I haven't seen you in 14 years, I've had no contact from you in 14 years and you expect for me to just hug you? You're stupider than I thought." A pained look came across her face, but she said nothing. I turned on my heel and started to walk back to my house. Molly followed me back to the house. I thought to myself that this is the most I've spoken since Mother died.

Today on the way to school Miss Jane was trying to make conversation with me but I kept giving her one word answers. I don't even know why I am going to school, I have no motivation to do any work, I'm failing all my classes and I don't even care. None of my friends have talked to me since she died so I have no reason anymore.

When we arrived at school Miss Jane steered me into Miss Melody's office. She sat me down on a chair then sat down beside me. Miss Harmony then walks in with some other teachers from the school. "What are you doing to yourself child, you're one of the smartest students in the school yet you're wasting away." Miss Soimas says.

"Miss Jane says she's barely seen you eat and you're clearly not sleeping, you're better than this Lucy." Mrs Rose says softly.

"I-I just don't have any motivation anymore my mother always motivated me. She was my rock. I guess I haven't really known what to do with myself since she she died."

"I lost my mother when I was very young but I had to keep going" Mrs Rose says.

"We believe you are strong enough Lucy" Miss Melody said.

"I'll try but I'm so far behind, how will I catch up?"

"We will all help you" Miss Soimas said.

"I'm not ready to stay with Molly though, I hadn't heard from her in 14 years and now she's living with me, it's too much!"

Over the last few months, the teachers have been helping me catch up and even get ahead. I should be ready to go to The Academy to start my teaching course soon. I've been staying with Miss Jane but have been speaking to Molly a lot more, she seems really keen to make up lost time so I've been really trying. I'll move back in with Molly when I go to the Academy. When I get to The Academy I will be able to take a one year teaching course and then I've been asked to come back here and teach. I'm really excited and hope everything goes well.

This is a story I wrote for school any opinions would be appreciated. It was supposed to be 600 words but turned out to be 1300. Oops my poor English teacher.

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