Everything Takes Time

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A/N:  Thanks for checking out my fanfiction! This is the first Doctor Who fanfic I've written, so just try and bear with me. :)

Music list:

Rose: "Say Something", A Great Big World and Christina Auguilera ~ "Girl On Fire", Alicia Keys ~ "Ain't It Fun", Paramore

        A young woman with light blonde and dark streaked hair stepped out onto the deck of a flat in London. She wore a pair of dark blue pants and a hot pink, long sleeved shirt. A white and blue scarf was draped around her shoulders. She stood for a few moments, just staring out at the city before her, watching, waiting.

        Rose Tyler sighed and shut the door of Jackie's flat. A gust of early winter wind blew in her face, ruffling her hair.

        She walked down to a small coffee shop. The buzz of voices filled the shop, and a short line of people stood a few feet from the door. Rose got in line and waited.

        It had been four months. Four months since she had seen him. The Doctor. He'd left her in the beginning of August, saying he had somewhere to go, somewhere she couldn't come.

        "Wherever you're going, I'm coming too!" Rose had insisted. He had refused, and finally left her at Jackie's flat, promising that he'd be back in a few months. He promised to come back. The Doctor wouldn't leave. He wouldn't. Rose told herself.

        "Miss? Miss, your order?" Rose looked up, startled as she realized she'd reached the counter.

        "Sorry, I'm just... Tired today." She amended.

        "No worries. That's what we help people with. We give 'em coffee, and that wakes 'em up." The plump woman at the counter smiled.

        After Rose had ordered, she grabbed her cup and headed back outside.

        She shivered as more wind blew around her, and she pulled her scarf more tightly around herself. Traffic jammed all the way up the street, and a few cars honked their horns angrily.

        Rose smiled sadly, missing the TARDIS and the was she and the Doctor could go anywhere without having to deal with traffic and other people. It had been so nice, traveling with the Doctor; she couldn't understand how he could be thick enough to think that he could just drop her off and expect her to go back to living a normal life.

        She hurried across a few streets and finally stopped, panting beside a small shop.

A/N Thanks for reading this far! I promise I'll update when I'm not so busy. I am looking for someone to possibly help me with a cover... ;)

I LOVE comments, I'm just so 'HUNGRY!' for them like the Wire! Please leave me one below, if you wouldn't mind. It would make my day!

I left an adorable picture of Ten and Rose on the side there - I just love them so much! Also, there's a video with tons of clips from Doomsday, (And a few other episodes) with Ten and Rose moments. That is why I cannot write a fanfic where she doesn't stay with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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