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Cole's devilish smile, the one where his pearly white teeth were on show, was captured in the photograph. I couldn't hide my excitement as I lovingly held the metal frame. Giddy with emotion, I turned round to face my lover. How did I, fat Tessie, end up with a boy like him?

I had forgotten about this photo, which was taken long before things became serious. We were leaving for a party- the party where hank assaulted me my brain thought- and we stood in front of a large tree. Cole had begged me for the photo, and I reluctantly gave into it.

I felt a pair of rough hands snake round my waist, and my breath hitched as I felt Cole's breath on my neck. We were in my kitchen, alone may I add. My brother had gone out somewhere, hopefully not to return for several hours.

Unaided, I had picked out an outfit; a tight fitting floral dress with pumps. Although the neckline of this dress was low, I was confident in myself I wouldn't screw it up.

"Happy Valentines Day." Cole breathed into my ear, his voice low. He was almost growling sweet nothings into my ear, and the hair in my neck stood up.
"Y-You too." I stuttered, mentally applauding myself for being such an idiot. Who says that to their lover? I do, of course.

When Cole finally removed his hands, and I felt the warmth soon tumble away, I turned to face him. He wore a dark red jacket, on top of a plain white t shirt. I could see the hint of his abs through the top, and I squirmed under his look. Those blue eyes, so deep I could drown in, stared back at me. I couldn't break it, even though my heart thumped so fast in my chest. How does someone have that much control over me?

He was cooking- obviously- a lovely spaghetti dish. I had been left with the role of cooking the garlic bread. A simple task for a noob at cooking. As I watched him do the final touches to the sauce, and began putting everything onto a plate, I realised something. There was the slight hint of burning in the air.
"Can you smell that?" I asked, walking closer to him. I absentmindedly opened the oven, being met with heaps of dark smoke. It burnt at my eyes, causing them to water. My make up would be ruined. Typical. Cole rushed over to help, quickly shutting the door again. Blind, I went to grab a cloth of some sort. As I pulled at it, one of the two plates fell. Cole rushed to catch it, knocking me slightly.
"Cole!" I state aloud, catching myself on the side. After swiftly running my eyes, I looked to the ground. Cole looked back at me, rage fueling his blue eyes. The white top, his hair, his jacket, all stained by the red sauce. I held back a chuckle, my cheeks burning  red.
"You." He said, getting up. "Are so in trouble, missy." A goofy grin returned, and he picked up a pile of the past. The gooey mess dropped from his fingers and he threw it at me. I screamed, ducking. But being me, I was too slow and the grunge splattered against my dress. I muttered a few incoherent words before picking it back up. I flung it, missing him and hitting the wall.

"Oh my-" I began, rushing over to the once cream wall. Red spatters marked it, and Cole cried with laughter behind me. I was going to be in so much trouble. Needless to say, myself and Cole spent the better half of her evening painting over the large stain on the wall.

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