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I was at the will reading, waiting to hear what my inheritance would be. When they finally got to my name I was very confused. "Stacy, my only granddaughter, you will inherit, Harriette". Little did I know that this, "Harriette" would change my life. " Who is Harriette?" I asked. " Her doll, since she was a girl". My grandmas lawyer answered. "She always cherished it". He added. " You will also get my beachside cottage and yacht, your brother, Dylan, will inherit my private jet and $200,000".

About four weeks later, I was given the doll. She was beautiful. Her skin was pail, her hair was blood crimson, and she had the most beautiful emerald green eyes and the cutest, baby pink lips. I had also moved into grans beachside cottage. Okay so, maybe "cottage" is an understatement it was practically a mansion- okay it was a mansion. Just as I stepped inside the mansion, I was already overwhelmed with excitement, it had finally occurred to me that I didn't have to pay for this and that I only needed to pay for the house I lived in. I decided that this house will only be a holiday house for the holidays because it was on an island. Not too far away from shore. There was a bridge to go across to the island, and a gate so that only the owner of the house could go through.

I started thinking about selling Harriette, so I decided to put her in my cupboard at my house.(Not the mansion). Only to keep her good and not cracked. I eventually came to the conclusion to not sell Harriette, My grandma's wishes were for me to have her, not someone else.

One year passed and strange things started happening. Like, I'd close a door, turn around for a moment, and then the door would be opened. Also my cat started hissing at air, as well as the TV turning on by itself, and numerous other things.

I had finally moved in with my boyfriend of one and a half years, I decided to take Harriette with me. A few days later after moving in, my boyfriend Chris took me out on a date. First we went on a picnic beside a beautiful waterfall, we jumped from the top of the waterfall and got to the bottom, then we had dinner, after dinner he took me back to the waterfall to show me something he set up. We counted down. "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!" BAM! The waterfall lit up a minty green colour and then Chris counted down again, pulling something out of his pocket and then there were words in the waterfall. He read them out. " Stacy Price, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me"? Tears of joy started streaming down my face. "Christopher Jones"? I responded." Of course."

Another year later, as a happily wedded couple,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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