September 5 2015

7 1 3

September 5th 2015
2:03 AM

Dear Elena,

Its Damon. It's been a month since you went into that goddamn sleep that shattered my heart into a million pieces. I miss you. Every second feels like an infinity and I can't wait for the day that I'll be reunited with the love of my life. The golden girl that made me feel alive at my most down points in life. You know, I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways.

When we met, you hated my guts. And of course, I hated yours. We fought and fought and fought. You were my brothers girl. But somewhere along the way, we became lovers. The type of lovers that were crazy for each other and would spend every waking second in each other's presence.

I still thank myself for falling in love with you. You changed me, for the better. In ways I can't thank you for. In all honesty, I'm thankful for everything about you. The way you smile when you're genuinely happy about something, your hair, the way you look into my eyes and never fail to send butterflies spiralling in my stomach.

But most importantly, I love your personality. I love the way you can light up New York City after dark with your bright, bubbly personality. You inspired everyone around you, and you always will. We all will love you now and forever. You did so much for each and every one of us. Me, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, all of us.

You always see the positives in every situation and although I still don't know how you can remain happy throughout everything, I still love you for it. Your the life of the party even when your breaking on the inside. You put other people's happiness before yours and even if that's why your not here by my side right now, I still love you for it.

You met me in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel like I had a purpose in this world, a reason to live. Before you, I would run around, reckless, killing for the pleasure of it. You've changed me for the better, in ways I will never understand.

I had grown used to you and all your imperfections. Your imperfections are perfect to me, it's the reason I love you so deeply. Even if your not beside me right now, I will always treasure the memories we had before you left.

I remember the day we first met and I was shocked by your resemblance to Katherine. In that moment, I knew you were going to be something special to me, I was right. That day that we danced at the Founders Ball, I realized just how much I loved you, truly.

Elena Gilbert, words can't explain how happy you've made me in the time that you were in my life. I will continue to hold you close to me until the day I die. Nobody compares to you. The day we had our first kiss, I realized. You aren't my world, you're my universe. Just say you'll never let me go.

Ever since you've left, there's been a void in my heart. An empty space that can't be filled no matter how hard I try. All I can ever think about is you. Stefan's sad too. He never talks to anyone and is so closed off. I try to cheer him up but I'm so heartbroken myself I don't know what to tell him.

Bon Bon and Caroline are taking it one step at a time, they're still extremely depressed though. We all never talk anymore. Jeremy's back to the stoner chick that he was before, some people have their own ways of coping with stuff, this is his.

We still have parties and balls but nobody goes. Instead, we all mourn for you. I know if you were here you would tell us to let go and have some fun, but we can't. We can't forget like the most important person in all of our lives isn't gone.

We miss you Elena.

God, I can't believe how sentimental and sappy I'm being. Hey, love changes a guy. Anyways, I was planning on going somewhere soon. Mystic Falls is filled with memories of us that haunt me every passing second. I need to have a getaway somewhere. Somewhere where I can live in peace without being constantly reminded that you aren't in my life anymore.

Maybe Japan? Switzerland? I guess we'll see. Now I should be going, don't want Stefan mad at me for spending my nights restless once again do we? But hey, now you know, you and Stefan aren't the only ones who can keep a diary or write letters.

I love you more than you'll ever know, hold onto that. Whenever you read this, if you read this - I miss you.

Your favourite Salvatore

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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