Chapter 1

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A/N: The official trailer for Beauty and the Beast Live Action Movie!!! ^^

I wake up and stretch my arms over my head before remembering what happened.

The curse was lifted, and I was human again.

I run my hands over my face, feeling skin instead of fur, and I don't have the razor sharp claws or fangs I'd gotten so used to.

I feel the bed move beside me and smile.

I turn onto my side and look at Belle, my hand going up to run through her light brown wavy hair.

Her eyes open and she looks at me.

"Hey, angel," I say, grinning.

She rolls over onto me and kisses me.

I kiss her back.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you, too."


I laugh and get out of bed, heading to the closet to grab my clothes, before going to the bathroom.

I turn the shower on and look in the mirror, still not able to believe it; although the human is staring right back at me, his face shocked, too.

My hand runs through my messy, shoulder length reddish brown hair, and over my face, as if the human will vanish and I'll be the Beast again.

I blink, and I see him; fur all over, snout with fangs over his upper lip, a clawed paw up on his cheek.

"Still can't believe it?"

I jump, and the Beast disappears.

I shake my head and look over at Belle.

"Nope," I say. "Then again, I was the Beast for five years. Sometimes I thought I'd never get out."

I pull my sweatpants and underwear off, and she looks away.

I laugh.

"Come on, am I really that hideous?" I joke.

She rolls her eyes.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her.

She wiggles out of my grip and pushes me toward the shower.

"You're gross, take a shower," she says, leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

I grin slightly and get in the shower, scrubbing everything before rinsing off.

I turn the shower off and get out, drying off and hanging my towel back up.

I pull my clothes on and head downstairs, hearing people talking in the dining room.

I walk in and see Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, and Belle sitting at the table, eating and talking.

I head over to sit beside Belle.

"So, what do we call you now?" Lumiere asks, looking over at me.

Everyone else does, too.

"Yeah, because I'm not calling my boyfriend Beast for the rest of his life," Belle says, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Hello, people, I do have an actual name," I say. "It's Adam, remember?"

My friends nod.

"Now we do, anyway," Cogsworth says.

We finish eating and Lumiere helps Mrs. Potts clean up.

Belle leans over slightly.

"I was wondering. Would you want to go see Lefou?"

I look over at her.

"Gaston's friend?"

She snorts.

"Friend? More like servant. I heard he's going to redo the pub in town, get rid of all the crap Gaston had."

I nod.

"Yeah, sure."

She nods and heads to our room to get ready.

"He isn't doing great," Lumiere says, flopping in her chair.

"I mean, yeah, Gaston treated him like he was a servant, but he was practically the only person who knew Lefou. It hit him pretty hard when he found out how crazy Gaston was, and when he died."

I nod.

"Yeah, and that I killed him."

He shakes his head.

"No, he fell. End of story."

Belle comes back in, wearing jeans and a blue V-neck, with brown cowgirl boots.

I run upstairs to get mine on, before heading to the stables.

I see Belle already on Philippe, and I get on my horse, Midnight.

We ride over to town and see a huge pile of antlers, pictures of Gaston, and a big chair with wood all around it.

Apparently, it's a burn pile.

I jump off Midnight and tie him to the hitching post next to the pub, before helping Belle off Philippe.

She ties him and we go inside.

The conversations cut off, and everyone turns to look at us.

"Hey, guys," I say, grinning.

"Yeah, I know you weren't there for my transformation, but surprise! I'm human again. And, seriously? Quit staring. I've had enough of that for five years."

Everyone laughs and goes back to talking to each other.

"That's better."

Belle giggles and we go up to the bar.

"So, this is the Beast, huh?" Lefou asks, staring at me for a few seconds.

I laugh.

"Adam," I say.

He grins and grabs us a Dr Pepper before jumping over the counter to sit beside me.

"So, before the ball, do you guys wanna come down and watch that burn?" He asks, pointing outside to the pile.

I grin.

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Good, because we're throwing in the first torches together. I mean, all three of us."

He winks at Belle and she laughs.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, buddy."

He smiles and squeezes my hand.

"It's okay, man. I should've realized how crazy he was earlier. I mean, he tried to kill you. You were just protecting yourself, and Belle. And you, missy..."

He looks over at Belle.

"Really? Waiting until the very last second to finally say you love him? I could see you changed when you came back, and I knew it was because of him."

He points a finger at me slightly.

"Wait, how did you know? And how'd you know where the castle was?"

Lefou looks at me.

"You still haven't told her?"

I shake my head.

"Adam! Really?!"

He whacks me upside the head, hard.

"Well, I'm going to, idiot."

I nod and entwine Belle's fingers with mine.

"Well, Gaston and Beast were friends."

Beauty and the Beast: After the Curse (Modern Version)Where stories live. Discover now