Please Set Me Free (William X Cole) Part 1

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(Play the music)

Thirty Years since all this happened, thirty years left to rot.

I can't escape, I can never escaped. This suit, it's a constant reminder who I really am.... A MONSTER. The phantoms, I can feel their gaze on me everywhere I go, never letting me leave their sight. But I can control them to help me with my bidding, even though they will never forgive me, I got those five right where I want them. I wander around these same halls with them watching me desperately try over and over again to get out of this damn place. I know I am a monster, I know what I did was never forgive able, but thirty years..... people change. I'm tired of being here, being alone and isolated from society. Constant reminders of my past would pop up into my mind about how good I had it back then: Jonas, Mike, Fritz, Danny..... Danny..... I miss them all so much. Danny was in the room I was and watched me die in this suit. I've never seen the kid cry so much in his life. I sit in the shadows and pray to God the same prayer for the past thirty years:

Lord, if you can hear me, please set me free.~

Time Skip.

One night, I saw a female guard. She was so beautiful, everything about her was perfect. She would look around with her flash light and check the security cameras from time to time, not screaming when the phantoms jump scared her. She was brave and knew how to react quickly. She was here for a week, and in that week alone I've observed her. Heck, I even tried to come after her through the vents, but she would always find a way to stop me. I looked at the girl through the camera on her sixth night, and sent all the phantoms to do their worst. All systems were down and I smiled peeking my head in through the door. It took a few moments for the girl to notice me. I expected her to scream at the sight of me, but..... nothing. She just stood there and smiled walking over towards the door way.

Cole: Hey, don't be afraid.

I stared at her, my spirit inside the suit blinked before standing up right. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light above and she rested her hands on her hips.

Cole: There we go, I'm Cole. What's your name?

Me: W-William.~

Cole: William, are you the one causing those phantoms to come at me?

Me: Maybe.~

She laughed cutely making my soul glow with excitement, her hair was brushed to the back of her head.

Cole: Well William, you'll have to do better than that to scare me!

I stood there amazed that she was happy and looking at me, many past guards took one look at me and would fall to the floor. 

She is a interesting women.~

To be Continued....

(Sorry it's so short. I'll write the second part tomorrow.)

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