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"Why are you here too?"

"What's it to you?"

"People don't normally hide behind bushes for nothing. I'm watching how things unfold between Paul and his Juliet."

"Jul isn't some possession. She's not his."

"Well, aren't you grumpy."

"...sorry. It's that time of the month. Plus, I'm not too fond of their blossoming relationship."

"It's fine. Want me to get you anything? A drink or some snacks?"

"Nah, I'm good. Being a gentleman today, huh."

"I've always been a gentleman."

"Says the guy who flicked his boogers at girls in 9th grade."

"Hey, that was five years ago! People change."

"Oh yeah, like your friend over there? The likes of him doesn't deserve someone as nice as Jul."

"Aw, why not? They're cute together. Look, they've got a good mood going right now."

"That's exactly why! They can't get too much of a good mood, or else- see that?!"

"What? They're holding hands. No big deal."

"No big deal? No big deal?! From holding hands, it'll escalate into dates and kissing and whatever!"

"That's normal in a relationship though?"

"But the thing is, he's gonna be doing it with my darling cinnamon roll of a best friend!"

"I assure you that Paul's a good guy. He loves Julietta so much, he cut ties with all the other girls he was seeing before dating her."

"He could go back to his old ways anytime."

"You're acting like some dad marrying off his daughter."

"Argh! I'm gonna stop this before things heat up even more-"

"Please. Don't."

"And why should I?"

" know, even though he's wacky all the time, Paul can be serious too. And it's only with Julietta that I saw him this serious and in love. As a friend, I want to see their love be fulfilled. I'm sure it goes the same for you."



"To be honest, I'm happy for Jul. She would cry so much because of Paul to the point that I started to disapprove of him as someone suitable for her. She's really important to me and I just want her to be happy. ...I hope you could forgive me for dissing Paul."

"It's okay, it's okay. Just don't badmouth him anymore. Hahaha."


"Uh, are you crying? You are crying! Uhm, uh, I'll just get something for you. Wait here."


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