I felt bad

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Joanna POV

As i got on the school bus i sat in a empty seat. The bus pulled up in front of a huge house well mansion.  2 Boys came out i think i remember them IDK. They got on the bus and the short one with puffy hair sat with a girl the tall boy came up to me.

Ayleo POV 

"Can you please get the hell out my seat" I semi yelled completely angry due to the fact i found out my ex was spreading rumors. As she scooted pass me i stopped her "Never mind got off on the wrong hand you can sit can i sit with you" I asked I started to introduce myself 'My name is Ayleo but you can call me Ayo" I said with a smile. "My name is Joanna" She said in the finest voice "Nice to meet you Joanna. You wanna come over my house later" I asked " Sure" She answered i put my arm around her and she blushed. It was something about her that made me like her.

Neveah Pov

" Ayleo babe hold the fuck on who is this bitch" I fumed" Somebody put this 50% hoe back in her cage and don't ever take her off her leash" The girl yelled" Why is you worried about it you ain't my girl The Fuck" Ayleo yelled he just did me like that" I was fucking another nigga anyways" I snickered" Cause you a hoe" The girl stated i rolled my eyes

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