The Art of Magic Realm of the Northern Castle Book 2

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Author Advice....This is a follow on from Realm of the Castles, Contains Spoilers.

                         The Art of Magic

                 Realm of the Northern Castle.

   It’s been four long years since I lost my beautiful wife Serenity.  No day passes where I haven’t plotted my revenge on the NorthernCastle and King Illumini will pay for what he has taken from me.  So many times I began to spiral out of control and down into the depth of a deep depression thankfully Seb and Alex kept my head above water and stopped me from actually drowning in my own gloom.  The day she was murdered by the night creature was the darkest day of my life, when she took my wife, she took a big part of me too.

   Our son Drew has grown into a beautiful young boy.  He has the deep emerald green eyes his mother had which on occasion cause a pang of sadness when I look at his face, he can easily ignite memories of when she was alive.  My son is now my life, he has to be protected and loved, maybe I can be a little over protective but wouldn’t you be?  We have no idea what the North are plotting next, maybe they are planning to take my son, the Queen or even King Neil, our security has been tightened immensely.

   We had planned to declare war on the North after I lost Ren, I had planned to attack but King Neil advised me that because I was not thinking straight and could jeopardise the safety of Garnatia.  King Neil dissuaded me and asked if I could wait until Drew was old enough to understand, and if I should die, at least allow my son to have known one of his parents.  I have stay true to my promise, but now, the time has come.

   I still live at Amethyst Manor and rattle around there alone with the exception of workers but Seb and Alex still reside along with me, its quiet when they are away.  A little different when my son is in situe, he stays with the King, his Grandfather often but when he’s home the place is mayhem especially with Seb and Alex acting the same age!  My nights are long and restless, my aching for Serenity has never ceased, in fact it worsens as time passes, I know they say time heals but how long does it have to take?  My only retribution for the nightmares that haunt me is knowing that I will awaken and in time I will have my revenge.

   I have been in a dark place for so long now, my depression has evolved into a fierce temper and as if it wasn’t bad enough before but now I just have black rages which send me out of control.

   I have spent all this time plotting my revenge, exacting details of how I will take down the North, crushed and burned down in a way which will prevent them from ever rising from the ashes again.

  Seb and Alex joined me as I sat looking through the maps of the North, it’s a vast baron place full of dark magic, evil and despair.   So many areas I have never visited so many places I never want to but now maybe I will have no other choice.  We know not of where this will lead or of what is to come.

  “We have had four Northerners’ ask for asylum today Sabien, same as the others we had last week.”  Alex said.

   “Have you questioned them?”  I asked as he hovered in the doorway.

   “Yeah, they are shit scared of something but are too afraid to say what it is.”  He replied.

   “Threaten you will send them back then.”  I frowned.                                                                                          

  “We can’t do that, they are absolutely terrified, something up there is really scaring them.”  Alex shot a glance at me which caused me to raise my eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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