The Story of Us

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"Vienna! Come on Vienna, open the door."

I sit there wiping my tears away, I slowly ger up from my bed. 

"What do you want Arabellla?" I ask angry.

"Listen I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen. Please forgive me."

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream slamming the door in her face.

Well now you might be wondering what my best friend did to make me this mad. Lets go back a few months.

*4 Months Ago*

"Its seven a.m. waking up in the morning, gotta be fre--" 

"KATIE TURN THAT SHIT OFF!" I scream at my little sister. 

Katie is my annoying nine year-old sister. She has blonde hair, brown eyes and she is obsessed with Rebecca Black. Me? Not so much. 

"Someone fell out of the wrong side of bed this morning." She says back.

I climb out of my comfortable bed and walk into the bathroom. I sigh as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I strip down and I jump in the shower. After taking my shower I spend about 30 minutes doing my hair and make up. My phone vibrates on the counter as I'm eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes. It's my best friend Arabella. Arabella and I have been best friends for as long as we can remember. 

"Hey r u ready for r 1st day of HS??"

I immediatly text her back. "Hellzz to the yeah! r u coming over?"

"yeah, im on my way now." 

"kk c yah soon."

I grab my bowl and I walk over to the couch. I throw my phone down and I turn the TV on to SpongeBob while I sit there eating. The door bursts open and Arabella walks in. 'IM HERE!" she screams. I get up and put my bowl in the sink. "Let me grab my bag and then we can go" I yell back. Once I had grabbed my bag we ran outside to her car. Yeah, she has a car its a Mustang convertable.

We got to school, our first day of high school, we got our stuff out of her car and we walked inside.  We stopped and talked to our friends that we hadn't seen all summer. We walked into our first class, Algebra. 

All of the seats were taken except for two. We took those to seats but Arabella was about 6 desks away from where I sat so we couldn't talk. I got stuck next to the populars. The populars are the group of rich girls at our school who think they own the place. Arabella was sitting next to the hottest guy in high school, Adrian.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2012 ⏰

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