Part 1/1

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"Mochis are so cute!"


(Y/n) plopped down on her fluffy, (f/c) blankets. She had had a long day at work and was ready to collapse. The (h/c) haired girl had to get some sleep, so she could meet up with her Estonian friend and crush, Eduard, tomorrow for his birthday. Before she completely passed out, a flash of light appeared, and a small voice inside her head, "You didn't get Eduard a present!" (Y/n) didn't care at the moment and slept.

(I don't know what the mochi world looks like, so I have to make it up!)

She awoke to a white light and looked down. All around her was white, and little white blobs were bouncing everywhere. "I am the Fairy King of Mochi," one said. It had wings and was floating right next to (Y/n). "These are mochi. Your friend loves to take care of them. And-" (Y/n) cut him off by gasping, "Eduard? Oh I've seen mochi at his house! Thanks flying mochi! This can be his present!" She exclaimed, oblivious to the fact that it was a dream. The King only huffed and flew away. The (h/c) haired girl looked at all the mochi. She spotted one with a blue ribbon and teal blue eyes. It was very cute, and (Y/n) thought it was the one (Y/n) wanted Eduard to have. Then (Y/n) noticed another mochi, similar to the one she was just looking at, staring at her. 'Oh they must be siblings,' she thought and looked for another.

She searched for a while, seeing the adorable mochi wearing bows, flowers, having curls just like her real friends, glasses, but then she saw the one. The Fairy King of Mochi had come to check on her and saw the girl staring at one particular mochi.

It had glasses, no visible eyes, "it must be hiding behind the glasses" was (Y/n)'s reasoning, and was staring intently at a PC screen. "That's the one!" The (h/c) haired girl cried, pointing to the blob. The King nodded, approving her choice, "I'm sure Eduard will like that one. The will go with you, and his name is Estonia Mochi." "Okay," the girl nodded, unsure of what to do now. The King motioned for the Estonian mochi to come over, and as (Y/n) looked at it, a bright white flash brought her out of her dream, just like the flash that brought her in.

The (e/c) eyed girl looked around, only seeing her familiar (f/c) sheets and (color) walls. The only difference was the sleeping mochi on her bedside, with a PC balanced on its head. (Y/n) giggled at the sight. "Mochis are so cute!" She whispered as she got ready.

(Y/n) had a lot of debates on what to wear. First it was the actual outfit. "Dress or shirt?" She asked no one. Estonia Mochi woke up at the sounds of her moving and had taken a liking to the (f/c) shirt, so she wore that with jeans. After a long, hard argument with her mind, she wore her hair [in a] (h/s). She put on a small amount of makeup, mainly concealer and foundation, a little lip gloss and a light layer of eye shadow.

As (Y/n) sat on her bed she realized, 'Whenever my friends ask about crushes and guys, I say I'd never dress a certain way or care how I look around them. Now here I am! Do I.... love Eduard? Is it more than just a crush?'

As she thought, she noticed how he was really cute to her. His smile, his laugh, the way his eyes looked in the sunlight. And his personality too! He was all cool and businesslike until he was alone, then he was calm. (Y/n) remembered the time she caught him playing the piano while singing. The was amazing! Not as good as Roderich on the piano, but who really was? His singing voice was angelic, but the stopped when the saw her.

(Y/n) stole a glance at the clock.

"4:30" it read.

(Y/n) bolted from her seat. She was supposed to meet Eduard at the park at 4:45! She quickly grabbed the mochi, put it in a box, quickly wrapped it, and sprinted out the door.

It took her 30 minutes to get to the park. She'd spent 10 wrapping the mochi. She had 5 minutes. She sat on a flowery hill, a small light emitting from the box. 'It must be on its PC again... I wonder how Eduard is going to handle Estonia Mochi.' She thought, picking flowers. She eventually started weaving a flower crown from the pretty, small white daisies and bright purple cornflower she found. Eduard arrived before she finished it, and (Y/n) greeted him with a smile, handing him the box.

The opened it, and the mochi kept at him, finally free from its box prison, but just sat by the picnic basket Eduard brought and opened its PC for the millionth time. Eduard grabbed the basket, much to (Y/n)'s delight. She loved picnics and outdoor activities, and she helped him set up with ease. They sat down to eat all the food he brought. There was

Kiluvõileib (Sprat Sandwich), homemade bread, and kama (dessert, it looks good).

After the two ate, (Y/n) eating the most, she realized they had chatted away the evening. She was a bit drowsy, so Eduard took her to his house, while she held the basket and mochi. She was still clutching her finished flower crown as he sat her down on his bed gently. She asked him to sit with her, and the complied. She placed the crown on his head, to which his face turned a nice shade of pink, and asked for him to sing it her. She decided a lullaby would be the best. (Y/n) picked Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,

There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue,

And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star,

And wake up where the clouds are far,

Behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops,

Away above the chimney tops,

That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly,

Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly,

Beyond the rainbow, why, oh, why can't I?" He sang beautifully, finishing perfectly. (Y/n) wasn't asleep yet, but rather between the state of dreaming and the state of being awake.

"Eduard?" She asked the blonde.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Ma armastan sind Eduard," she said, not even fully realizing what she was saying.

Eduardo's blush had calmed down, but this comment made his cheeks flare.

"Ma armastan sind ka, (Y/n)..." He said and (Y/n) had finally dozed off.

~Fin (LAND)

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