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The battlefield was as quiet as it ever had been—dead silent, and free from the many gunshots, shouts, and screams of pain it had had before. There were dead bodies everywhere, yet to be returned to their homes, or to an unknown place, left as unknown soldiers who served in the war. The only signs of life were the three people walking through the war-torn field, their boots walking over every lifeless body, and every blood stained patch of dirt. Alfred Jones, one of the three, walked among the mess of death.

He hated it. He hated war, and everything about it. Sure, he could say he hated the political sides of war, and how boring arguments between leaders were, but nothing compared to how much he hated the aftermath of every war he'd been in. Each dead body he saw left pain in his heart, and no matter how many wars he experienced, he still despised the sight of hundreds, if not thousands, of people who'd bravely fought for his country, dead around him. He despised. Sometimes he'd feel hate for the many soldiers of the opposing country, sometimes he'd feel anger that he couldn't stop this war from going ahead, but most all he'd feel a deep sadness rooted in his heart that always took weeks to get rid off.

He thought of the families of the dead soldiers, crying as they received the news that, while other soldiers had returned safely to their families, theirs hadn't. He thought of the soldiers last moments. Was their death quick? Was it slow and painful? Did they spend their last moments completely alone, or in the arms of a fellow comrade? Sometimes, he could see their last moments in his dreams, and he'd always wake up crying.

Yet now, he held his tears in as he, and the two higher-ups with him trekked around. They'd accompanied him when he said he wanted to go and see the battlefield, as they said it was still dangerous to go alone. Alfred didn't care about that. He had to see every battlefield of every war he'd had, even if it wasn't on his own grounds. He had to look at it, and remember it, because he knew all the soldiers that perished here would never forget it, so why should he?

He could see something on the edge of the field, just right near were the river cut through the land.

"What is that?" He muttered under his breath, catching the attention of his two escorts as he peered through a pair of binoculars. He could see movement as little as it was. The slow and gentle movement of breathing. It was a person, alive, he was sure. "Hey, there's someone alive out there! We need to get them help!" He yelled, dropping his hands holding the binoculars to his sides.

"But, sir, the medics left to treat soldiers back at camp ages ago," one of the men said, but Alfred had already started running towards the person laying down near the river on the dirt. The men followed.

Alfred got there, and stopped just in front of the person. It was a young girl, her face and clothes dirty, and her gun lying in the dirt, a couple of feet away. Her expression looked peaceful, yet when Alfred looked at her stomach he could see two bullet wounds, both seeping blood onto her uniform. He knew she'd die before they could even get her to a medic. She must've spent the whole night, alive, with no one to help her or realise.

"Sir, it's dangerous we should leave..." The second man said, slightly nervously, looking around. "The girl won't live long, and we have to g-"

"Go on without me." Alfred cut him off sharply, trying to conceal the anger in his voice. How could they just ignore this girl who was still breathing?! They only cared about their own safety!

"But s-"

"I said go on without me!" Alfred turned to face them, his eyes blazing with rage. "You're not going against the command of your own country are you? That'd be insubordination." He spoke lowly. Though it was true that Alfred was counted as a higher-up, and could give commands, the command for these two to watch over him was given by someone even higher in the ranks than him, yet Alfred still managed to scare the two enough that they quickly nodded their heads, and scurried off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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