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warnings for slightly strong language, sexual themes, murder and others.

"You shouldn't let him do this to yah, love." He says with that thick accent of his that I'd come to know so well as he walks closer to me, offering me a cigarette from his pocket, which I politely deny. Smoking is a habit I'm guilty of, but it's also one I'm trying to stop.

"Well, there's nothing I could do about it, it is?" My words are harsh and I blurt them out before I can stop myself.

He looks stunned for a moment, but it's a brief one before he's chuckling into the darkness of the night, however, that doesn't stops me from apologizing to him.

"Is quite alright, Anna." He puffs the smoke into the air and out of his lungs, as he continues "just caught me off for a sec there."

"I know," I say, sighing deeply, "week has gotten a toll on me and... him."

"And you are his punching bag for him to release tension, huh?"

"Stop it, Edward."

"It's Teddy, hon." He corrects as his breathing mixed with the smoke and cold of his mouth, fill the air around us "you know, I hate the whole full name-ish thing."

I straighten my back up, pushing myself off from the handrail I had been leaning on and clean off small specks off 'imaginary' dust from the skirt of my dress, as I turn to him and say with a smile, "Stop it, Teddy. It's just how things are."

He chuckles darkly, his hand holding the cigarette between his fingers, goes to his temple as to try and calm his temper, as to try and comprehend how could I be so accustomed to those words.

And at that time everyone had heard of Teddy's temper. He used to beat off people just for fun and he still does, but mostly due to his line of 'work'. He suffers from a short temper attitude and he can lose it quick, oh boy, he can lose it real quickly. That's why he was known as Edward 'Mad Teddy' Smith, but for me...

"For you, I'm just Teddy, love."

"I should probably go inside now," I sigh deeply into the air, gathering the courage to face yet another charade. I pass only a few inches away from Teddy before he grabs my arm by my elbow, stopping me on my tracks.

"Don't." he says tossing away the cigarette and looks me into the eyes, my lower lip quivering but I don't dare saying it, so I drop my gaze to the ground and try to get off from his grip but it's useless to do so.

"Teddy," I plea with him, "you know how things are; and they're never going to change."

"I could—" he sighs in defeat, followed by a chuckle that doesn't adds any humor to our conversation, maybe the idea in his head sounding stupid but decides to speak it out loud anyways "I could protect you from him, from this."

I smile, shaking my head at his statement "You could," I reply, my hand going for his cheek making him lean into my touch with eyes closed "and you would get us both killed."

His eyes open, staring deep at mine. He wishes he could deny it, but it was true. He knew it and I knew it. If I ever get out was either in shame and disgrace or in a bag.

"I really need to go inside," I repeat, "he must be wondering where I am now"

"He knows I'm taking a smoke. We have time."

"He knows you are. Not me, Teddy." I sigh unhappily, "I need to go now." He releases my elbow after that, letting me go; but before I can second doubt myself I turn around and jump into his arms as my lips crash against his, tongue fighting for entrance, his hands taking in each curve of my body from underneath the dress until they find the hem of it and push it up enough so he can feel the skin on my thighs, gasping for air in a moan when he does so.

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