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Once upon a time...........there lived two types of birds in the Rainwater Zoo, The Toucans and the Flamingos. 

The Toucans were colorful and bold, they were the  spotlight of the zoo, tourists from around the world would come just to see these magnificent birds. They would definitely won't do anything but showoff.

The Flamingos on the other hand were treated the opposite. The Flamingos were so underrated that the zoo workers forgot to feed them. Day by day the Flamingos' hatred for the Toucans grew. But... There was one Flamingo that was odd, out of the normal. It's name was believed to be Kelly. Kelly had so many strange behaviors that flamingos shouldn't have. For example, she would eat a lot of grass for some odd reason, she would also climb the nearby trees in the enclosure, and the most strange is that she hangs out with another odd and out of the normal friend, who is a toucan.

The toucan's name was Andrew. The Toucans never really talked to the flamingos, because they thought the flamingos were dirty and filthy, and they were not classy whatsoever.

Andrew and Kelly became best friends and they decided to start a group, they  decided they would try to leave the enclosure and live their own life out in the wild. But first they had to prepare.

It was early in the morning, in the toucan enclosure. The zookeepers came in with their food, which was fruits and berries. Andrew only took the blue berries because they were his favorite! Anyway, there was also a flock of pigeons in the area near Andrew. One of them was shaking it's head so crazily that it appears to fall off. Andrew decided to walk towards it, once he did the other pigeons flew away leaving the weird one behind. The weird one was running into the wall and laughing strangely.

"I'm..Hello?...," Andrew said to the pigeon.

"Haahhaahhaha oh hahaha hello there hahaha," said the crazy pigeon.

This startled Andrew very bad. He backed a few steps back.

"Oh sorry about that hehe I'm Polly.. who might you be hehe," said the pigeon named Polly.

"Hello...Polly.. my name is Andrew," replied Andrew.

"That's a nice name dude," said Polly.

"Uh..Thanks?," Said Andrew. "Would you mind if I introduce you to my flamingo friend?"

"Nah, I don't mind hehe," said Polly.

Andrew went to go call Kelly who was already at the window between the two enclosures.

"Hey Polly come over here!," Andrew called for Polly. Polly then came running crazily as expected.

"Okay, Kelly meet Polly. Polly meet Kelly. Now I called you Kelly because I wanted to ask you if we could add Polly to our new group. We could really use another person, we only have two members."

"I agree," Kelly said, "Polly would you like to join our group of paranormals? We need all the help we can get to rule the world."

"Oh...Of course!" Replied Polly "I would love too!"

"Great! We will can start to plan it out tomorrow! Polly if you could come here tomorrow around......Well I don't know how to tell time.. but in the morning." Explained Andrew.

"Okaie!" Said Polly as she flew out of the enclosure to her friends.

So the quest begins....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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