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 "One, two, three, four..." chanted Amy, as she sat on the front porch of her house. Amethyst Spielberg (Amy) was an adorable young girl of seven. The passing cars illuminated her sparkling purple eyes, as they gleamed in the dark of the night. She was waiting for her best friends Jayson Bernard (Jay) and Riana Allin (Ria) to show up. 

Amy was what some may call 'weird', but she didn't mind. Her strangely purplish blonde hair was in a small ponytail, she wore a beautiful purple dress and white boots. Her parents were very rich,so, little Amy was constantly surrounded with nannies and butlers. She hated that the most, and often slipped outside unnoticed to play in the garden with Jay and Ria.

Tonight she had convinced her parents to let her BFFs sleep over,so she was super excited. Finally they appeared, half-walking-half-jumping with excitement, as their mothers tried to keep them still.

"Tonight's gonna be so much fun!" said Amy to herself. 

"Mommy! Daddy! They're here!"

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