Reason #1

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Reason: You find him like a magnet when he's about to lose to the darkness of his heart.

(Btw dear readers, I cried while making this. I can't imagine Leo like this.)

"Leo?" You had been wondering around the Argo II, looking for the familiar brown haired boy who had disappeared for a while now, ever since lunch time. Where had he gone?

"LEO?" You call even louder, in case he wasn't able to hear you.

All of a sudden, you hear a noise on the room from the left of you. Out of curiosity, you slowly open the door. The room was dark, and it appeared like no one was in here, but then you heard a muffled sound from the inner part of the room.Eyes wide, you walk towards the sound of the noise.

There was the boy you were looking for, sitting on the windowsill, looking outside. The sun had just set, and the sky was a beautiful mixture of colors that resembled a piece of art.

"There you are," You say with a heavy sigh. "It's dangerous to sit there, Leo. What do you think would happen if you fell from there?"

A moment of silence passed between you and your boyfriend.

"I'd die," He said simply, breaking the silence. He look unfazed, talking about death as if he was talking about how nice the weather was. You arch your eyebrow and approach him slowly, before reaching forwards and taking one of his hands.

It was weird. His hands were cold and didn't give off the usual warmth that it usually did.

"Leo, what's wrong?" You ask.

The boy who was usually happy wasn't today.

"Nothing's wrong (Y/N), I just... I just need a moment alone."

Just like Leo expected, you hadn't moved from your spot. With a sigh, he looked up to your (E/C) eyes and they were not the eye color he loved. They were.... hardened.

"Please, (Y/N). Just give me some time alone." He took both of your hands, and you couldn't help but shiver at the absence of warmth in his hands and voice. He sounded like a zombie.

"Not until you talk to me, Leo. Something is clearly wrong."


"Don't lie to me." You pulled a chair from nearby and dragged it in front of the boy, and sat down.

"Please, Leo. I'll worry even more if you don't tell me."

Your boyfriend gazes at you, the warmth still absent from his brown eyes.

"I... I'm just..." He pulled out an old picture from his pocket of an older woman who resembled him. "Today's the day she passed. Mi mama. She burned in that fire today."

You got up from your seat, moving closer to the sad boy who was holding the picture, and took the picture to get a better look. She was a beautiful woman. You could see where Leo got his smile from. Of the past year you two had dated, Leo had talked very little of his mother and never dared to show you a picture.

"She was a beautiful woman," You say, finally breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between you two. Not saying anything, Leo looked outside the window again.

"You know, Leo, she'd be even more sad to see that you're depressed." You slowly hand the picture back to him. "You wouldn't want her to have anything on her face but her beautiful smile, right?"

Leo looked at you, surprised. "Let's go, Leo. We can go back to my room. We can talk, read, laugh- and show your mom that you're living a bad demigod life, but you're enjoying it." You held your hand out to Leo. "I also love you, Leo., and I don't want anything on your face except for my kiss marks and your smile. I'm sure she feels the same way."

Speechless, Leo takes your hand slowly and you lift him up, tugging him gently to your room with a smile, listing the reasons of why you love him on the way there.

And for the first time today, Leo shows the ghost of a smile on his face.

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