Chapter 1 Intoduction

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My name is Clarity Torres. I'm 29 years old. I've lived here in San Diego, California for almost 3 years. It's not all its cracked up to be. There are no famous people walking the streets everyday. Once in a while I run into Jayy from BOTDF. We've become pretty good friends. He's actually really nice so is Dahvie. He calls me his little sister because we have the same last name. One day Dahvie called me and yelled "GET OVER HERE BITCH WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY!" "Alright alright what do I wear?" I ask. "Anything wear a band shirt and skinny jeans. It's a party not meeting the Queen of England!" He said back to me. Alright I'll be over in a sec." I say as I grab my keys and hop in my car.


I arrive at Dahvies house. Him and jayy are walking out the door. "C'mon get in my car!" Dahvie yells to me. I quickly hop out of my car and walk over to his. "So what party are we going to?" I ask. "Well you have to promise not to scream." He says. "No promises. Talk!" I say. "Alright it's Vic Fuentes' 30th birthday party. A lot of good bands will be there." he says "Then why are you going?" I jokingly say. "Haha so funny." Jayy says. "I'm kidding. You know I love you guys." I say.

We arrive at Vic's house. "It's so big!' I say "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Dahvie says as he runs to the door "It's hard to believe that Dahvie is older than us." I say to Jayy. "I know he's so childish." he says as we walk up to the door. Dahvie yells "HURRY UP SLOW POKES!" Dahvie knocks on the door. Vic answers. "Hey guys so happy you could make it!" he says. "Who's your friend?" he asks. "I'm Clarity Torres." I say "My friend. She's a big fan so I invited her if its alright?" Dahvie says. "Yeah that's fine. Great to meet you Clarity!" he says. We walk inside. So many of my idols here from Jeffree Star to Avenged Sevenfold. While Dahvie and Jayy go off to the table with the Jack Daniels I just sit on the couch with a cup of soda and go on twitter. Man everyone is tweeting about this party. I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around I see Danny holding a bottle of jack Daniels. I'm guessing he's drunk. I can smell all the alcohol on his breath. Even tho he was drunk I was still shocked that I met him. I help him sit down on the couch because he can't do it himself. While I'm walking away he pulls me back onto the couch. "Where do you think you are going?" he says. Alight now I'm kinda scared. "Ugh to the bathroom." I make up a lie. "No one leaves me alone at a party." Vic notices his tight grip on my wrist. "Danny let her go!" he shouts as he try's to take his hand off me. Ben and Cameron run over to help. They take Danny outside to calm him down. Ben comes in and apologizes "Hey I'm sorry about Danny he goes nuts when he's drunk." "Its fine I understand." "Are you alright?" Vic asks. "Yeah I'm fine. No harm done." I say. "Good. I hate when men disrespect women. It gives us a bad rep." Vic says. I just stay quite. "So do you want to go out back and listen to All Time Low play a few songs?" "Yeah sure." I say. He grabs my hand and leads me out back. "You have a stage in your back yard? how much money do you make?" it's a rental and actually not as much as you might think." he says. After ATL played Davey Suicide got up. "Oh my god I love Davey Suicide. He's one of my favorite singers!" I yell. "You want to meet him?" Vic asks. "Can I?" I ask. "Yeah of course." Vic says. "Any thing for you." he says in a whisper thinking I wouldn't hear him. After he played Sick Suicide he decided he was done and got off stage. Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me over to we're Davey was. He was right around the corner. "Do you need a minute to breathe before you meet him?" he asks. "No I'm good. I've been breathing for 6 years since I found him to meet him." I jokingly say. "Alright. Here we go." he says. He leads me over to Davey. "He Davey! this is my friend Clarity. She's a big fan so I wanted you to meet her." Vic says. I'm trying so hard not to smile like an idiot right now. He reaches his hand out to shake mine. "Nice to meet you Clarity. how's it going?" I want to say "FANTASTIC I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU!" but instead I say "Pretty well. And you?" "Great. How long have you been a fan?" he asks. "Um about 6 or 7 years." I say. "That's great. Your support means the world to me." He says. "I'll catch you later right?" he asks "Yeah sounds great." I say. He writes his phone number down and hands it to me. "Text me." he says as he walks away. "So what did you think?" Vic asks "I cannot believe I just got Davey Suicides number!" I say "Hey can I ask you something?" Vic says. "Yeah of course." I say "Well uh I was wondering..." he starts rubbing the back of his neck. "if you uh want a soda?" he says

*Vics POV*

Well that was fail. I really like Clarity. She's so pretty, nice, and funny. I saw the expression on her face when I asked if I could ask a question. She looked disappointed when I said soda. God I'm a moron. A hot moron but still a moron. "Yea sure." she says. I take her hand and go to the kitchen and pull out the orange soda. "Is orange okay?" I ask. "Yeah orange is my favorite." she says. Me

Her Dahvie and Jayy are the only ones here it was around 4am everyone went home around 2 Dahvie and Jayy were dead sleep on the couch and just me and clarity were awake. So I decided to ask her out. "So Clarity I was wondering if uh you wanted to uh go out some time?"

*claritys POV*

Holy fuck did this just happen?? "Yea I would love to." Please please please don't let this be a dream. If it is I'm never waking up. Well I'm gonna go to sleep ill see you in the morning. I start walking to the other couch. "Were are you going?" Vic asks. "Uh to the couch were else am I supposed to sleep?" I say. "Come here you can sleep in my room with me." he say once again trying really hard not to smile like an idiot. I don't think it's working. "Here you can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in." He tosses me a Black Sabbath shirt. I go to the bathroom to change then walk back out. He's in pajama pants and an AC/DC shirt. "C'mon." he motions me to lay next to him. I can get used to this. I crawl into bed next to him and lay down facing the wall. He puts his arm around me. I feel the weirdest smile grow onto my face. I close my eyes. He kisses my cheek and we both go to sleep.


Well I hope you guys liked it. Sorry it's kinda a long chapter. I was listing to PTV and thought if this so hope you like it. :D

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