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No one pov
That was all he hear especilly now that hes revived he wanted more cries of suffering but theres only one particullar mage that he cares so much
A celestial mage
A blonde hair beauty is on his sight helping other hurt mages running from side to side of the area helping different mages who are injured and he wanted more of her scent but one thing was on his mind was to get her

Lucy pov
As I was helping my teamates on their injuries I cant help but to notice someone staring at me it feels so creepy until master mavis got to my direction "hey lucy!" She said cheerfully "hi 1st"i said as I bowed respectfully"can you please search for makarov please his quite missing for sometime now but dont worry il time you so if you dont come back ill send the others"the 1st said "ooh ok!"I said determined she smiled at me "the others said that he went into the forest"she said pointing at the direction I nodded at her and went on my way .
As time past I summond virgo to accompany me if we found master ut got tired and closed her gate but theres that feeling again some one watching me "uugghh.. where are you you master makarov"i walked there getting worried if I dont find him

End/natsu pov
I watched her as she walked through the forest sensing her fear rising a bit higher hhmm poor luce I just want to cuddle her up so ive had enough and snachted her from above "aaahhh! What are you doing?!"she said trying to removeher self from my grip as she was complaining I put my face in the croock of her neck "uuhh  what are you doing?"she said "isnt that clear my dear on what iam doing iam sniffing you cant you see?"I said as I was gonna mark her mine I dug my fangs in her neck to mark her she whimpered from the pain I pulled my teeth out and licked and putted a hickey in her mark "what *pant* did you just*pant* do?" She said panting "well my dear I marked you as mine and only mine so if you want to save energy ill fly you to makarov" so that I flew through trees and set her down near makarov she looks at me frightened that me the almighty demon end marked her slash natsu too so I flew back to my castle and sat on my throne so I looked at my brother smirking like he really wanted to break my soul by killing someone I love besides he dosent know her

Zeref pov
Hehehehehe I knew he marked that celestial wizard now I know how to really break him and kill me hehe "brother may I excuse my self please I have a important business to attend to"i said to him"oh sure yeah but be back immiedietly hehehe"i smirked at him as I vanished in smoke

Lucy pov
Oh my him th almighty en marked me oh well cant change that I walked up to see a unconsious makarov I summoned virgo"hey vigo can you send makarov to the others please"i said "of course hime" she carried him and looked at me "punishment hime?"she said "no"i said "ok I shall take my leave"she said as she dissapeared I knew theres some thing fishy around here thats why u send makarov first and looks hat I was right "I knew it was you who was sending the weird feeling"i said "well I mightv underestimated you heartfillia"he said "but your too slow for me" as I turned around I didnt notice that he allready stabbed me with a knife as I reaized that my vision turned blurry and I passed out

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