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I let out a sigh. 'C'mon Sam, think!' I honestly didn't realize that my breath was quickening until like a second ago. 'For pete's sake! Can't I just run already?!' I screamed at my brain to move, even turn my legs or footing an inch from me, just enough to urge myself to run. Just run as fast as the wind can carry me. But no.. That wind ran out of me long ago. And so did the urge to escape my haunting shadow of my present as well. You know what life reminds me of? It reminds me of just how wrong I was then. How wrong I was indeed to treat such foolish kid instincts and run into the arms of the nearest peoples I saw. How could I not though? I mean, that one glint in their eyes was enough evidence to convince me that everything would be alright. That everything and everyone was just a pigment of my other half, and that what was happening was all just a dream.

Although, at the time being I was still just mere thoughtless child. How could I have known better? What? Are children just supposed to wake up one day and have all the answers to life? Do you seriously think that? Then answer me this: How is a child supposed to realize that everything around them could either just be an illusion, or just a beautiful lie covering up the harsh cold truth? Children do have a say-so in their life though, but my time for that was pretty much over the second I saw those trusting eyes.

Those same eyes I still see today, which I honestly have no regrets in seeing anymore. Or so I thought at least... But we'll get to that later. Right now though, you probably wouldn't even believe me if I told you my feelings: Lost, afraid, etc. etc. Nothing more, nothing less. Which, to be honest, is that even a good or bad thing?

Sorry, I'm getting off course here. But ah yes, my reasoning for telling you this at this specific time and place? Well... Let's just say, that maybe, perhaps that I can't exactly put it into words for you. All I can say is that in one day, my emotions became as one and told me that what I was feeling was... Fear. Fear as in when you go on a rollercoaster and you don't know the speed or where the twists and turns are at. Fear as in you fear that you may fail your SATs, then not graduate in time and not get into a good college. Yeah, that kind of fear. Besides, with every action taken, there is a reaction as I once heard someone say to me. That someone, in general though, is probably long gone by now. But hey, who said that life was easy? You need a push every once in awhile to help you realize what's happening around you before you come to realize what you're doing. Whether it's the wrong way or the right, just know and follow this tip: When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.

At least follow that, or if that doesn't work then throw the lemons at that person who doubts you and do it yourself as my parents always say. (Crappy advice, I know.. Best parents of the year *rolls eyes*)

But yeah, believe what you want. That's how the Earth turns after all... (Not basic science, I know.)

You don't exactly know me, but you will soon enough... I was built to help after all. *grins*

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