Alone on the Streets

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~Author's Note~

Hey Guys! So I'm starting this book and it's about this girl with a very unusual health condition and this chapter is how she received it. Hope you enjoy!

~End Note~

I was walking on the the streets, it was a cold day. Very, cold. I had a very heavy snow coat on along with a sweatshirt underneath, gloves, the fuzziest socks I own, a scarf, and a snow beanie. Even with all those clothes on I was STILL cold!

No one was really walking the streets since no one was crazy enough to except for this one woman with pure white hair, the strange thing is that it didn't look dyed either. It just looked naturally white which I had no idea was a thing. Her hair was in a side braid and she was wearing a light sparkly blue dress with even lighter blue sleeves in accompany with a white lace cape. She looked as some kind of princess or queen. As I squinted I could see her warm blue eyes but looked determined.

Her pace of walking increased into in almost run with her eyes fixated on something behind me, as if she's is racing somewhere or even running away for someplace. My thoughts were running off about her and her story when I realized she was speeding faster and faster towards me. I wonder if she sees me? Her eyes are so locked and determined that I don't even know if she can see anything except what she's looking for. I wanted to continue my thoughts on her story when I realized I had to act quick for she was running straight towards me at such a high speed that if she were to hit me that both of us could get hurt pretty badly.

So I had started to move over but her speed had increased so much that within a millisecond she had hit me. I was flung backwards and hit the pavement but didn't feel much pain since my body was so padded by the clothing I was wearing that day.

I slowly start to get up but not in that much pain and started to say,

"Hey um maybe you can watch where your running next ti-"

"ME watch where I'M running?! How about YOU watch where YOU'RE standing!"

She shoved me and I fell down again. It still didn't hurt but I got angry. I sprung up this time and shouted,

"You were the one that was moving NOT me! Maybe you should learn some manners and how to dress weather appropriate and not wear some slutty dress everywhere! I mean seriously how are you not freezing?!"

She then pushed me down once more and then stripped me down to my underwear and bra and said,

"The cold never bothers me, and how I dress does NOT concern you. Even though the cold doesn't affect me, doesn't mean it won't affect you."

She looked at me with menacing eyes that she was going to kill me, no like she gonna torture me to my limits and then kill me. She then put both of my hands over my heart and pushed down as hard as she could. It was what I could only imagine to be CPR but just one push that really hurt. As soon as the push she ran, she ran as fast as she possibly could as if nothing had happened but now with a bit of joy.

My body felt like it was getting all the warmth drained out of it. I was already freezing from laying down almost completely bare on the ice but this was a completely different feeling of cold. It felt more of pain than coldness. It felt as if shards of icicles were stabbing my body all over. I tried to screamed but it felt as if my body was becoming frozen from the inside out to a point where my vocal chords where covered with ice and could no longer work. All I could focus on now was breathing. Just breathe and you might live Tabitha, breathe, breathe.

After a couple minutes it became harder and harder to breathe. I was becoming afraid of my fate but knew I had to be okay with it. I closed my eyes and pictured what being warm would be like, coddled up in a blanket by a nice warm fire. Then I pictured who would be there with me, a family to call my own, maybe some friends, and a boy who I would love beyond believe. That would be the dream.

As I was about to take a breathe that I thought would be my last I heard a shriek. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't, they had been frozen shut. I was picked up and being held in someones arms, the warmth radiating from the persons body helped my breathing a bit, it would give me a couple more minutes maximum. I hope whoever this is can save me.

~Author's Note~

What did you guys think of the first chapter? I Liked typing it. If you guys haven't noticed yet I have two more books out and for now on whichever one gets the most love gets updated! So don't forget to leave a comment and like this! Even if the books don't get love I'm going to finish them since I've been dying to release this story for a while now but haven't found the time to actually type it out.

Also I may or may not have made a few references to a certain Disney character in this chapter, any guesses? ;)

Well anyways I hope you have a wonderful day! Stay ripe my bananas NEVER peel!

(In case you're new and/or were wondering I call my readers bananas!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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