Chapter 9: Jumin's Route

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I'm sitting down in a very comfortable sofa reading a book from Jumin's gigantic library. He apparently doesn't even use it that often but has novels of all kinds including fiction. I decided to read "Momo" by Michael Ende since it's an author familiar to me but I haven't read anything since I only knew "The Neverending Story" so far. Let's just say the premise was something I could relate to so I'm quite enjoying it. Jumin is kind of creepingly watching me read. Of all the routes of far this has been the most relaxing, because of the amazing lifestyle I had the last couple of days. Including all the luxuries that a rich man has to offer. I thought to myself that I'd probably never have this luxury again so I took as much advantage of Jumin's kind generosity as I could. But as much as I enjoyed living there, Jumin's "fifty shades of chairman" personality towards me wasn't exactly my romantic cup of tea. Jumin is someone I highly respect but since he shut down for so long he kind of lost control of his emotions with me. I had the luck of convincing him that I'm not some object that belongs to him and that I need my space but I was honestly quite afraid of what might've happened if I failed... I shiver "I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLLY don't want to try and find out later either" The fact that I have the power to always create the best outcomes is both a blessing and a curse to me. On one hand, I'm bringing joy and helping everyone achieve happiness... at least, for some time. I don't really know if my resets delete my progress of if it creates parallel worlds. I like to think that the later instead of the prior is true. But if I COULD erase something, they'd definitely be the bad endings. The ones when the characters don't learn what they're supposed to. Of course in life, you can learn from your mistakes and create a better future but it's not how things work in this world I'm afraid.

-My love are you alright? You've been spacing out for a while now. Jumin says concerned.
I turn around to face them. I realized I was blankly staring at the wall for a few minutes. "Guess I've been doing that lately." I smile to him and nod. Even if it wasn't the program's instinct telling me this, it would be the obvious choice to take. He worries too much but I'm not complaining about the attention. Just that I wish he'd do something else as I'm reading. He says that, apparently, he likes to just look at me. It gives him joy. Poor Jumin. I can't imagine how it must feel to be alone for so long. Well... that's a lie. Yes, I can. But me and Jumin are very different in dealing with it. he can suppress it. and as much as I'm as logical as he is, I can't. I used to thing that was a huge flaw. That I was weak. That people like Jumin were strong. I guess they are to a certain degree, but that doesn't take from the fact they're human and have weakness too. Unfortunately, Jumin's shows all up at once.

-I think I'll be going to bed now. The party is tomorrow. ("I'm pretty excited to see how you're going to deal with those 2 hoe's bullshits and your father tomorrow too.") You should sleep too Honey Bunny ("I can't believe I said that. God that's cringy")
That's quite alright darling. I will sleep after you fall asleep. Shall I accompany you to the bedroom?
After a little while of me pretending to be asleep, Jumin leaves the room. "Sigh. About time... I'm not sure why I'm really hiding from him like this. It's a bit weird. Well... he's weird too. I don't blame him much however. Even if I could say something about it I don't know how I could say it." I log in to the app and it seems there's one more chat available. I talk to the guys and, before closing the app, I stop and think for a second. "I haven't called anyone in a while. I Kinda wanna do that. who tho... I'll just choose randomly." I ended up calling Luciel. The call wasn't pleasant.


It's the day of the party and Jumin is calling out Sarah and Glam Choi out for all they bullshit they've pulled. I should be feeling happy for Jumin,sad for Mr. Chairman for being deceived by love, apparently once again and super happy about me and Jumin being together, the part being successful and meeting the rest of the RFA. But I'm not. I didn't sleep well last night thinking about Luciel. That boy's given me enough trouble as it is but what he did yesterday was too low. Besides all the wall breaking that I've been trying to ignore, he ends up crying hysterically when I called him. Saying I don't care about him anymore and that I only care about Jumin. "what on EARTH was he talking about? I didn't even do his route yet and I don't remember saying anything indifferent of angrily to him! That's not fair Luciel. What were u talking about." I glanced at him a few times but he didn't seem to have noticed any kind of emotion in my eyes. I guess the game won't let me even do THAT! this is unfair. But at least he's next. I'll find out Luciel's secrets even if it kills me. "Poor Jumin. I think to myself. He deserved much more attention that what he got from me yesterday and today. I'm sorry Jumin. But at least I was with you. Hopefully it can be enough..."

-Will you be my wife?
I jumped startled. Jumin ask my hand in marriage! I wasn't even paying attention it all happened so fast! "Jumin Han you really don't waste your time do you? I'm not ready for this type of commitment!!!" But alas my thoughts once again are to no avail. We're already in the after ending. Me and Jumin are in an airport. It seems we just landed not long ago. He seems even more adult than what he already was if that even is possible. Adult. But not necessarily older. In fact, he's beaming with good energy and youth. He feels more alive. As if reborn into a completely different man. The other members all changed with me but this is a bit different. If I had to guess, it's probably because he is the oldest member and because he was most hostile and alone for the longest time. Not to mention that the change he had was much bigger.

-Please step aside. Me and my wife just came back from our honeymoon and don't wish to be disturbed

"H-honeymoon??? HONEYMOON!!! WIFE!!!!" I feel completely startled bythis. Fortunately for me. it didn't last very long. We reunite with the othermembers and not very long after I come back to the purple room once again. Isave my progress, and lie down on the floor to reflect and breathe for aminute. "Well... I also married Yoosung so that shouldn't be a big deal. But withYoosung it was different! He seemed much older in his future. I basicallymarried Jumin after the party! I sigh. At least he's happy. But damn I couldn'tmarry someone after knowing them for just a week!" I take a deep breath andlook at my save files. I did Yoosung's, Zen's, Jaehee's and Jumin's. No morewaiting. No more mystery. It's finally time to tackle to hacker himself. "SorryI made you wait for so long seven. It's your turn now. Hope we get married in aspace station like you so wish"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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