Mute (Sterek)

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Tree branches and leafs crunch beneath Stiles shoes as he runs away from a woman, a woman who happens to be a witch. Why does the boy always find himself in trouble, unable to defend himself? The most he can do, is distract someone by speaking nonsense. So he does what he does best and stops running, faces the witch and opens his mouth. The woman stops, and smirks at the boy, who looks as if he's going to fight. She stands in front of him, her hands clenching.

"I know the truth of why you're in Beacon Hills and once Derek knows, he'll destroy you!" Stiles yells, causing the woman to let out a chuckle. So, he uses words, instead of fighting? Petty human, she thinks to herself.

"What makes you think I won't destroy you, before you can get one word out?" The witch asks, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. Her demeanor shows Stiles that she isn't scared, that she doesn't care. Stiles gulps, cursing his big mouth for the millionth time in his life. Of course she would kill him, knowing that he would tell Derek the whole truth. "But that's not something I would do, you're too adorable to waste. Don't worry, little boy, this won't hurt a bit." She says and before Stiles can say anything, he starts feeling dizzy and falls to the ground with a thud.


Stiles jumps up with a shock, expecting to see the witch, but instead sees his friends faces full of concern. "OK, so is watching Stiles sleep a thing now? Not that I wouldn't watch myself sleep, that would be pretty cool." Stiles says, or at least, tries to say. Instead, his mouth opens and his lips move, but no sound comes out. His eyes widen and his heart starts beating in panic, he can't speak, his voice is gone. His breathing picks up as he looks around, willing someone to explain what the hell is wrong with him.

"Stiles? What's wrong? Your heart beat is off the charts." Scott states and Stiles looks at him with a duh look. "Words Stiles, use your words." Scott says once more and Stiles stands from his bed, walks over to Scott, and hits him over the head. He then takes a step back, points to his mouth and then makes a motion, as if slitting his throat. Scott looks confused, which makes Stiles sigh and shake his head. Was his best friend always bed a charades, or is he just trying to piss Stiles off?

"Maybe he lost his voice." Jackson suggests and when Stiles is about to nod, he adds, "You know, from screaming like a girl all the time." He states, earning a glare from the boy in question. It doesn't take long for Stiles to piece things together after that. The woods, the witch, the witch saying she wouldn't kill him. It quickly went together like a puzzle, the witch cast some type of spell, taking away his voice while he was passed out. Just so he wouldn't tell Derek what he knows.

He walks over to his computer and opens up word. He then looks behind him, motioning for the others to come read what he types. Derek is the first one over, which surprises Stiles and causes his heart to flutter. Derek raises a brow at him, but Stiles quickly looks away and starts typing once more. His crush on Derek is pretty obvious, just not to Derek.

I was chased down by a witch. I stumbled across her and heard the truth of why she's here in Beacon Hills. She took my voice so that I wouldn't tell you. Obviously she lives in the stone age, because seriously? Has she not heard of the internet? Cellphones? Or, I don't know pen and paper?

"Then she did us a favor?" Jackson comments from the back, earning himself another glare from the mute boy. Jackson smirks in return, causing Stiles to whip around and start typing again.

This is serious, so go chase your tail or something.

"Alright, so we find the witch and get your voice back. Doesn't seem so hard." Scott speaks up and Stiles looks at him with a raised brow. Scott pats Stiles on his back and sends a reassuring smile, hoping to comfort his friend who's used to speaking up whenever he pleases. "You'll be OK, sides, maybe resting that voice of yours will do us- I mean you some good." Scott says and Stiles lets out a soundless sigh.

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