Chapter 1

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"We only have plain left."
"Do you have jelly?"
"Okay, then can I get two custard filled?"
"No, we're sold out."
"I suppose you're out of cream, too."
"Sir. We only have plain donuts left for the day."
"Okay, nothing for me then."

As soon as the man left and the door clicked shut I screamed. Like audibly screamed. I swear to God my IQ drops after some of the conversations I have with these customers.

A ding echoed off the walls of the bakery signaling me to go to the front.

"Yooo, Sam," Daniel greeted tucking a lock of shoulder-length hair behind his ear. Mack followed.

"How's work?" Mack questioned with a grin.

"Just wonderful. My favorite part of the day was explaining the difference between white and whole grain bread to a 30 year old man," I answered.

"That's rough."

"Even Daniel has more brain cells than some of the people I deal with," I sighed.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He paused waiting for an answer.

"Whatever, we don't have time. I gotta tell you about this really cool place I found to smoke."

Mack and I shot each other amused glances.

"Go on," I laughed.

"It's little bit of a walk down the grade but there's this trail that leads to some sort of abandoned warehouse. I didn't go in because it was locked, but Jamie has a crowbar." His squinty eyes lit up with excitement as if this was actually a good idea.

"I'm in," I agreed.

"I knew you'd be. Mack and I are going to pick up Jamie and then we'll meet you in the back when you get off."

"Sounds good."

As the two of them exited I dashed to the back to finish washing dishes. A stack of baking trays, several customers, and one mental breakdown in the freezer later, and it was time to close.

I took a deep breath as I shut the door behind me. Dead leaves scattered the empty parking lot like pencil shavings. The sun was about an hour away from falling behind the skyline.

"That looks so sketchy," I sighed shaking my head as my friends approached me, a crowbar sticking out of Jamie's backpack.

"He has a good point. Someone with white skin should hold onto the blunt object," Jamie agreed transferring the metal stick from his backpack to mine.

We all piled into Daniel's car and parked a couple blocks away from the trail.

Gravel crunched beneath our sneakers as we navigated our way to the path.

"Here's a question I should have asked an hour ago. Is this trespassing?" Jamie questioned.

"We'll find out," Mack smirked. Her Bieber hair responded to the wind, blowing it back, and showing off the features of her face. She's so pretty. Too bad she's into girls.

"I mean I didn't see any signs last time so I'm pretty positive we're in the clear. Oh shit, that cloud looks like a bong."

"I see a saxophone," I observed tilting my head toward the expansive, darkening sky.

"The stoner sees a bong and the musician sees a saxophone," Jamie commented shaking his head.

"And I was just about to say that I see two girls making out," Mack joked.

"Walking cliches," he laughed.

"Ya know, I kinda see it," Daniel spoke stopping in his tracks.

We all paused and squinted our eyes at the shape. Mack and I exchanged looks as Daniel tried to explain to Jamie the outline of the women. We were literally five feet away from the trail that leads to the warehouse.

A cop was parked down the block and looked like he was coming our way. I elbowed Jamie. We needed to get going.

"Daniel, Mack was just kid-"

"Hey! You four, stay right there." The policeman shouted from across the street. We all froze in panic as we waited for the man in uniform to cross the street.

"Ah, fuck," Mack sighed.

"Should we play the race card," Jamie suggested and Daniel nodded.

"No, we didn't do anything...yet. Just act natural," I assured.

We all attempted to look relaxed as he approached us. Wow, I really wish I didn't have a crowbar and a bag of weed in my backpack right now.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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