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"I'm telling you dude, I'm destined to be forever without colour and all alone!" Stiles whined as he walked alongside his best friend. "I mean, not even a tiny flicker of colour from Danny. Nothing at all from Lydia. They're both such amazing people and I just...I really hoped maybe one of them could be my soulmate y'know?"
"Stiles. You're going to find someone buddy, just cause it's not Lyds or Danny doesn't mean it's nobody at all" Scott replied, smiling at the other boy.
"Oh please, look who's talking bro. All you had to do was offer to give her a pen and bam! There it is! Happiness and colours and Allison." Stiles shot back,  sighing and brushing a tree branch out his way.
Scott opened his mouth to reply but stopped. He heard something. Not something anyone would have heard though, no this he picked up thanks to his newly obtained werewolf senses.
"Dude stop, be quiet for a second I hear something. I don't think we're alone." Scott said quietly, stretching his arm out in front of Stiles protectively but also to stop him from doing anything incredibly stupid.
Footsteps. Scott could hear someone's footsteps. And they were getting closer to him. He turned around, looking everywhere trying to find the culprit. That's when he heard the heartbeat.
Scott slowly looked over to the source of the sound and his eyes grew wide.

They were on private property.
His private property.

Colour Of You // Sterek Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя