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I hated being the new girl but some how I keep finding myself in the situation. Ya know technically its not my fault I am in this position again. Technically my mother was at fault. She is paranoid that someone will find out about my little secret. I told her I am fully equipped to handle myself but she always thinks someone saw something and they told some invisible bad guy and they are coming to take me away.
         But on to the good stuff like this school seems less hickish then my last school. I've been given "the look" three times already so I can tell now; its a girly clique kinda school. Which is great for me considering I fit in so well. Please note the sarcasm. No one has talked to me yet and I skipped lunch just because I have the slightest need to be stared at by the whole cafeteria while I try to find a seat. No thank you, but I do need to find this class and I don't even know where I am suppose to be going, I've been fumbling around this school like an idiot. I just wanted to get the hell away from my mom this morning she can be hella over baring at times... all the time. So I jumped out the car and ran into the building. Thankfully this is last period and then I can go home and smoke my magical trees. I couldn't wait for it. 
This class was about as boring as the last one and the time was just dragging on. I find the people here very interesting cause they all seem so rigid and stressed out about everything. I could tell why though because this town seems relatively chill.
So we are sitting in this class and  all of a sudden boom. The door slams open and the sexiest creature I have even seen walked through the door. Now he didnt look rigid. Well I mean kinda because of the muscles but anyway damn. He scanned the room like a this he was a movie star which he could be. I've never seen hair so perfect; but unfortunately not like the movies he didn't stop and look at me and we didn't fall in insatiable love with one another. As I realize I am staring I looked back at the book.
The rest of school went  by in a flash and I was standing outside waiting for my mom almost all the other cars are gone and I relish in my sad life. 20 minutes she pulls up and I can clearly see the excuses beginning to tumble out of her mouth. "Laney I am so sorry. I swear I thought you got out at 4:00 not 3:20." I just looked at her and got into the passenger side of the ugly Volkswagen she bought before we left the last place we were at. She continued to stare at me and I continued to look out the window. "So how was it?" She asked. I slowly turned to her and said "same as usual. No one talked to me and I ate nothing cause I didn't wanna be stared at like a freak." She stopped smiling and looked at her hands. "I'm sorry I really am. But we have to be so careful. I won't let anything happen to you." I rolled my eyes and turned back to sit straight. She pulled off not saying anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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