Waiting by the Window

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I don't remember much of my childhood. Just bits of memories that are all sort of fuzzy and muddled. Every childhood memory I have, I see from afar, as though I'm watching everything. Mostly, I can't remember anything. But I do remember one thing. I remember waiting. I suppose it never did any good. I was just left, waiting by a window. Waiting for someone who would never come.

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A small, black haired girl sat by a window overlooking the grounds of a large estate. The moon shone through the window, obscured only by a few wisps of clouds.

A young brunette woman walked over to the girl, smiling tiredly.

"Amelia, come away from the window. You'll catch a chill." The woman sighed.

"But Caroline, I'm waiting." The girl protested.

"Amelia, you cannot be waiting again. Who on earth could you be waiting for, especially at this hour?"

"I can't tell you." The girl said.

"Well, I want to know." The governess coaxed.

"I cannot Caroline." The girl's voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm not supposed to tell."

"Darling, you cannot spend your life waiting. You have to do things, you have to grow up." Caroline straightened. "Poise and grace-"

"Don't let life waste."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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