Part One: Chapter One

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I walked down the road, his hand in mine as he rattled on about his latest experience at work. Story after story of his co-workers and how the kitchen was working lately. His bubbling laughs filled my heart with joy and love, and while watching his face I knew that this was the way things were supposed to be. His bright blue eyes roved the faces of the people as we walked, always inquisitive and interested in what was going on around him. A smile showed on my face while he continued to talk.

The wind blew lightly, but the breeze was freezing. It was early January, so the weather was decidedly cold. I'd thrown on jeans and a nice shirt, not really thinking about the weather. Being the gentleman he was, he had stripped himself of his own coat and given it to me. The cold seemed to not bother him as we walked down the busy streets, and he casually mentioned that he had a surprise for me. We passed restaurant after restaurant, mouths watering at the scents drifting softly out of the buildings. After what felt like forever, we arrived at a not-so-fancy building that had some of the best food in town. He'd booked us a table and we were sat down and served quickly.

The food was delicious and, after eating, he revealed that hadn't even been the surprise. I punched him lightly in the shoulder, and he led me to our next destination. Ice-skating, something that we both enjoyed but rarely had the chance to experience. It was wonderful, having the ice shredding beneath our feet as we raced around on its slick surface. We skated to our heart's content, and then headed home. The night was relaxing, streetlights shining softly on the sidewalk and illuminating the area around us. We were both silent the whole way, simply enjoying the presence of one another. The crisp air was highly contrasting to the warmth between us. When we stepped through the door of our home, it wasn't hard to immediately strike some flames in the fireplace and get comfy.

We layed on the couch, a lit fireplace blazing ten feet away. He had excused himself then, and returned with his hands behind his back. I'd asked him what he had, and he produced a black box in the shape of a heart from behind him. Then he dropped to one knee, and after many tears and laughing, I said yes and accepted the ring...

The golden ring adorned with a black gem was cold in my hand. I examined it, as I commonly did, and my heart ached at its presence. Running my fingertips softly over the shimmering surface, my mind began to wander and reminisce about days of old that no longer mattered. Each time I looked at this ring, I was reminded of the one thing I needed to make this life (if you want to call it that) worth living. My husband was out there somewhere. Likely, he was alone and afraid. My mind wandered farther and farther, attempting to take a guess at where he could be. Trying desperately to reach out to him in some way, even a little bit so I could find him. Ever since the end, I haven't seen him. For all you know, he could already be... I stopped the thought, burying it deep within me as I always did. I need him.

My free hand came to my face, pinching the bridge of my nose and helping me wonder where I went wrong. A voice reaching out to me reminded me I hadn't. This was a gift, a salvation that few others had the privilege of experiencing. None of this is your fault, it's your greatest chance to save him. The voice brought comfort with it, reminding me of my true goal. With a deep breath and a renewed feeling of confidence, I slipped the ring into the pocket of my jacket and zipped that same pocket. I felt my heart fill with its usual fighting nature and the rowdiness that came with it. The typical smug smirk and sneer that adorned my face made its gloried return. I licked my lips, realizing how hungry (or rather, thirsty) I had become. I stood from the plush couch I rested on, striding towards the door of my room. When I opened it, I was greeted with a friendly face. Amaterasu stared at me with her blazing, orange eyes. When she spoke, her smile showed her fangs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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