Chapter One

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 "Callie, are you coming downstairs this morning?" my mom yelled from the kitchen. I was putting on my clothes for school; I had picked out. It was a white three-quarter sleeved, button up, pink polo shirt and a pair of beige short shorts. I then slipped on a pair of black wedges to complete the look. I let my naturally curly do its own thing, and put on a bit of mascara, with some lip-gloss. That is all I know how to do, my mom never wore makeup and, I grew up with brothers and guy friends, so I never really felt a reason to put it on.

I walked downstairs to the smell of breakfast. My mom had made my favorite: biscuit and gravy. It is the best southern meal that has ever been invented. I can have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I set down at the bar, and my mom handed me a plate. I was about to take a bite when the doorbell rang. I quickly ran to see who it was before my food got cold. I slung the door open to see my two big brothers.

I have not seen my brothers in four months because they have been away at college. My brothers are two years older than me, and nine months apart. My parents decided to keep them in the same grade. My brothers grew up being best friends, and do everything together, including playing football. Together they are an unstoppable force.

"I thought you guys weren't coming home until next week for graduation," I said giving Carter, the older one a hug first. He plays quarterback for LSU, and has the most rushing yards than any other quarterback, LSU has ever had.

"Well, I see who your favorite is." My other brother Jesse said from behind him. Jesse is a running back, and when he and my brother are on the field together, plays get followed through, with a touchdown. Jesse is also at LSU; they do not feel like they are good enough to play without the other one.

"Well, finals finished early, so we decided to come home and be here for your birthday," Jesse said hugging me back.

"This is the best birthday present," I said. When I was born, the only times my brothers fought was about who was going to hold me next. My brothers were close, and they surprisingly let me become a part of their pod, because of them I am a crazy football fan and know more than most girls could imagine.

"Callie, let the boys in the door, and get in there and eat your food before it gets cold and then you complain about it." My dad said as he was coming down the stairs holding a wrapped box in his hands. I walked back into the kitchen and did as I was told.

"How is it birthday girl?" My mom said making the boys their plates too, along with my dad.

"It is amazing! Why can't we have this every day?" I said with my mouthful.

"Callie, be a lady." My dad said and gave me the wrapped box he was holding.

"I'm pretty sure the moment she started hanging out with Blake and the others, that went out the window, Dad," Carter said with his mouthful too. I shot him the bird and started to open up the present. There was a box, inside the box, and then another inside that one, until I finally reached a tiny one. Inside that one was a car key with a keychain. The car had a Ford symbol, and the key chain had a Florida Gator helmet on it.

I had got into four different SEC schools, but the University of Florida has always been my dream school. I had accepted their scholarship, and they have the best physical therapy program within the other three schools I had applied.

"Dad, I don't need a vehicle. I am okay with driving the truck you handed down to me." I said going to give him a hug. My dad gave me his 1998 Chevy Silverado when I turned sixteen. There was no A/c in it, nor was there a radio, but it was dad's, and I loved it.

The BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora