Royally Trained--Sneak Peek

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Crown Prince Anton of Colania, a remote island country roughly 1,000 miles southwest of New Zealand, strode confidently through his royal city. He was the country’s only ruler, the last surviving acknowledged prince of the monarchy that had been in power for hundreds of years.

As he entered The Dungeon, his eyes flickered over the patrons. Colania didn’t have a traditional class system based on wealth or power. With few exceptions, everyone was on nearly equal footing. It was part of the reason there was little effort or push to bring the country into the technological era. Here in The Dungeon, though, was a well-defined hierarchy.

Employees who’d been with the owner the longest took responsibility for those who played in The Dungeon.  Safety and pleasure were their domain, and they were easy to pick out due to their well-fitted, fine clothing. Each piece was designed to be practical yet seductive, and only Dungeon employees had such quality.

The owner was the wealthiest man, next to Prince Anton, on the island.  The owner was sought after by men and women alike for his training skills and sexual prowess.  He was also the only man on the island who could afford to have brand-new vehicles shipped in for himself as well as have updated electricity and amenities throughout his business and home. 

Prince Anton had only been in the man’s apartment on the third floor of The Dungeon once, but he had been impressed with its luxury.  Prince Anton was positive that parts of the castle had yet to be brought up to the standards that were imposed on this property.  Many corridors and hallways in the castle had no electric lighting or heat whereas The Dungeon had lighting that could be dimmed for mood and atmosphere.  Similarly, certain rooms that weren’t frequently used were still heated with wood fireplaces instead of a thermostat.  The only thing that had been refurbished throughout the castle was the plumbing, and that was for sanitary purposes.  Prince Anton could not tolerate things to be unclean.

Prince Anton didn’t hesitate or linger as he made his way through the club. He went straight to the black door on the back wall. He’d been here many times, and there was little to interest him. Everyone here was too used for his particular tastes.

He entered the black door and moved swiftly up the hidden staircase. This area of the club was off-limits to most. It was only available to patrons who paid exorbitant fees for private sex. Typically, only those who were ashamed of their vices used the rooms.

Prince Anton was neither ashamed nor paying for privacy today though. He had an appointment with the owner of The Dungeon, Damian Bellaro.


Damian was going over the alcohol shipment that had arrived this morning. One of the reasons his sex clubs were so popular was because of the liquor he had shipped in from the mainland. It was expensive, but the quality was much greater than anything produced on Colania. Currently though, it was giving him a headache.  He was missing a case of the high-end scotch he kept on hand.

Prince Anton strutted into his office without warning.

“Don’t you knock?” Damian said scathingly.

“Didn’t know I needed to,” Prince Anton replied.

“With all due respect, sire,” Damian said sarcastically, “this is my office in my club. Next time, knock.” Damian rose to his feet, his body fluid like a great jungle cat, before he went to embrace his prince. “Now, what the hell is so important you had to schedule an appointment?”

“I have a job for you,” Prince Anton told him. He returned the one-arm embrace stiffly and then moved away with haste. He was uncomfortable with physical contact that he didn’t initiate or control. When the two men sat, he elaborated. “My thirtieth birthday is approaching.”

“In a year and a half.” Damian snorted. “Do you think it wise to skip twenty-nine?”

“As the last of the monarchy, it is my job to reproduce,” Prince Anton continued. “As much as I would like to see the genes that have shaped me die out, the country would fall into a tailspin. Although we are remote and somewhat undeveloped, we are a rich nation. The power I hold is all that keeps us out of the eye of the world and off the radar for those who would oppress us.”

“What does this have to do with me?” Damian asked warily.

“I have no desire to repeat history,” Prince Anton said. “We both know that my sexual nature is more like that of the queen than my father.”

“Do you want me to train you?” Damian asked, confused. “To help you learn to control your appetite?”

“No,” Prince Anton said firmly. “I don’t think either of us could handle taking our relationship to that level.” 

The two men had grown up together, which accounted for Damian’s lack of respect and boundaries, but Prince Anton wanted to maintain formality between them.

“You could be right,” Damian said with a light chuckle. “So, what do you want from me?”

“I want you to find her, the woman who will bear the future of the country,” Prince Anton said. “Find her and train her to be what I need.”

“You can’t just order up a woman on demand,” Damian told him with a raised eyebrow.

“You must find a woman with good genetics although Gilly can look into that after the candidate meets the other criteria,” the prince said, ignoring Damian. “Beautiful, obviously. I’m not particular with features, but it stands to reason if my life mate is attractive, then I will have a better chance with reproduction. I’d also prefer that she not have a single drop of royal blood regardless of past royal practices. I do not wish to produce monsters or further any imperfections through inbreeding, however distant the connection might be. She needs to be completely submissive. I will be in control of any encounters at all times. Whoever she is, she must be willing to leave her past life behind. I refuse to be burdened with in-laws who might not agree with my domination of their daughter.”

“That’s quite a shopping list,” Damian said, eyeing the prince harshly. “Anything else you’d like to add before I order a woman for you?”

“There is one more requirement,” Prince Anton said seriously. “And this is perhaps the most important of all. She must be a virgin.”

“You do realize when I train a woman to cede her control to her master that I have sex with her?” Damian asked incredulously. “Submissives have to learn to respond on command; an untried woman will not have that opportunity.”

“I will not have a woman who has felt a man between her thighs before me. I will not have my children born to a woman who will behave as my mother did. She must be pure!” Prince Anton roared.

“If I refuse to do this…” Damian didn’t finish the question.

“You will not refuse,” Prince Anton said, rising to his feet. “I expect you at the castle within the week. The search begins immediately.”

This book is available for purchase on Amazon and Createspace February 15, 2014.  

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