Brian O'Reilly-Band Night

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“Sammy, I’m being serious,” I said, looking to my little son.  I was going over the rules of being backstage. He kept nodding but I’m sure he wasn’t listening.

“There’s no use then in telling you any of this. Let’s go then.” I grabbed his hand we walked through the corridors backstage. We got to the side of the stage so I kneeled down next to the excited boy. The small boy looked like a mirror image of me, his hazel eyes shining with excitement, his brown hair framing his face, jumping up and down slightly. Leaning forward I kiss his forehead and wrapped him into a tight hug.

“Have a great show!” he squealed as I pushed him into my shoulder.

“Want to play the first song?” I whispered in his ear. He pulled away and shouted while bouncing up and down:


Handing him the matching guitar to mine we hopped up on stage and began to play. He ran off after the first song with a huge smile on his face. I would glance around to see if he was still there throughout the rest of the set and each time he looked like he was having a blast. When we finally finished I ran off, him jumping into my arms.

“You are so good!” he shouted.

“I’m guessing you like it then.”

“O yes!” he said, nodding with a huge grin, just like his mum’s. I was glad he was finally here with me. His mum had said no at first but once she saw his love of music there was no way she would be able to stop him. Thinking of her made me so happy. I knew we would be together forever and having this little guy solidified that belief. I never thought my life would involve these two amazing people. Smiling, I pulled my phone out.

“How about we send a picture to mum? To show her we’re fine. Ok?” I asked.

“Yeah!” he said throwing his arms up. I snapped the photo, both of us grinning from ear to ear. But I noticed a familiar face in the background.

“There are my favorite boys!” my wife exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the both us. “How was the show?”

“It was so much fun Mommy! We need to do this more often,” Sam said.

“Ok, haha,” she giggled. “Let’s just focus on getting you both home.”

I kissed his head. He was just so cute sometimes. I began to walk out to the car holding him as he rested his head on my shoulder and I grabbed her soft hand.

I fidgeted with the front door keys while he wrapped his arms around my neck, gently falling asleep.

“Our little rock star looks like he rocked out,” she said, looking at him almost asleep in my arms.

Giving a slight chuckle I nodded to his room and carried him up the stairs. I pulled out a pair of PJs for him. I somehow managed to change the little sleeping lump. I laid him in bed and kissed his forehead as I pulled the covers up. I then tiptoed out of the room to run into Y/N in the hallway.

“So I’m guessing it went really well today,” she said wrapping her arms around my neck, focusing her sparkling eyes on me.

“Mhmmm. It would have been better with you though,” I replied, pecking her lips.

“Yeah, well, I’m here now.”

“O yes you are.” I picked her up kissing and spinning her down the hallway to our room, ready to continue my good night.

Brian O'Reilly-Band NightWhere stories live. Discover now