How it started.

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It was the day before grade 9 started. I was hanging out with my friends, trying to soak up all the freedom before I would have to high school. I was excited, nervous and confused. I was excited to go to a new huge school with lots of new people. I was nervous cause I wasn't the prettiest girl but over the summer I did work on my appearance. Still I will probably be insecure about how I look until I get called beautiful. I was also confused, confused on how much I've changed, how many friends came and gone. Also I was confused about how my life went by so fast I know I'm only 14 but still it seems like I was starting preschool just last week. But I might as well pay attention to what's going on in the present.

  ~ NEXT DAY (aka first day of high school) ~

First day of high school I tell myself, mentally. "First day of high school" I say out loud laughing a little. "Fuck. I've finally made it!". I get up and get dress into a tank shorts and a cardigan, an outfit I've been planning since the beginning of 2017. I each some granola with milk. Then I hear a knock, my best friend is here! "Kaylie! Oh my fricking god!" I say a little bit loud. "How are you". Let me explain, Kaylie goes away in the summer up north so I didn't get to see her for 2 months. "Great! Guess what? We're going to see Ethan!" Ah! Ethan one of the many fuckboys from the other middle school or actually now in our school. The other main fuckboy was Chris Austin. People only said his full name, never knew why just people did. " oh great" I say. ( the fuckboys made fun of me a lot the year before) "they're probably going to call me fat again" I say knowing thats what normally happens. " I don't think so" kaylie says with a laugh " u got hot over the summer. The only thing they should be calling fat is your a-" KAYLIE!" I yell knowing that possibly my mom or sister will hear. "Should we go and catch the bus" I say changing the topic, "sure" Kaylie says, she's used to me being pg 13 in my house.

~At the high school~

"OLIVE!" Someone shouted I turn around and it's my other friend Allie. "Hey, Allie" says Kaylie "heyo" I say " you want to go in the school together?" "Sure, but I made plans to go meet up with my other friends " Allie says (Allie was kinda like the girl version of a fuckboy so she was really popular) "we can come as well. Can't we?" Kaylie says with a hint of I really want to see some cute boys. ( Kaylie is kinda a hoe she admits it herself). "Ya sure!" Says Allie clearly not wanting us to come but being nice. We start walking and all of a sudden from of grade 10s a guy yells out "Allie!" Remember how I said Allie is really popular. It was tom, with his clan of two others. They know Allie from..... I'm not really sure. But what I know for sure is Allie straightened out her clothes and fixed her raven coloured hair, trying to look her best. As tom and his clan walked over, I saw tom looking at each one of us, first Allie the tallest, then Katie who's medium height and then me the shortest, his eyes lingered a bit a confused look across his face. He then turn around started talking to a guy with brown messy hair and eyes with brown and green mixed in together. When tom was done saying something that none of my friends heard, the brown hair guy just nodded then tom talked to the other guy which we still couldn't hear, then that guy also nodded. Tom turned around "would you ladies mind if we take you to your classes"

~end of the first chapter~

Hey people reading this. Please tell me what I can improve on and any corrections. This is one of my first time writing for people other than my teacher. Thanks for reading -l

Copyrighted desperateforfood

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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