Broken?! But Try.

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A roller coaster ride .

It's good until there's a balance between ups and downs .

It's suffocating if there's a stagnancy in the movement .

That's where we reach at times. The state where you breathe, but your own breathe chokes you and makes you feel its better otherwise.

Sometimes, you wish you had a time machine.
You wish you had timely amnesia, forget only certain things.
Sometimes we feel we could end it altogether.
We'd feel it won't hurt anymore.
All the pain which we endured, all the stages that we came across.

Is it really worth!?

Are we really being happy?


But we have to keep moving forward.

We don't have the right to finish it all at once.
There's no harm in trying.
Try and try harder.
You still won't achieve what you wanted.


Your pain will lessen .
The act of trying lessen the actual problem.
It makes us throw all those disturbing thoughts to oblivion.
We shall not be happy, we shall try to be busy.
Keep it going.
Somewhere ,
Someone .
Shall make you feel worthy, shall make you realise the value of life.
They shall make you smile.
The happiness which seemed forbidden might be at reach.
You shall smile and live to see them happy .

As for now, all that we need to do is,
Forget the unsettling rambles of your sub conscious mind.
Be conscious,
There's always light.

Or at the least hope so,
The same Hope shall get us going.
We shall overcome it.

Try to make the sorrow a leading step to your peaceful journey.


Cry your hearts out.

Let it soothe the bruises, made by other intentionally or otherwise.

We are our cure.

Speak it out.

People shall listen.

Not to wear a brave facade.

But say " I'm fine" .

Say it to yourself .

I am fine.

Words deceiving you?

Try changing them.

Try and repeat it to your own self.

I will be fine.

Let's not depend on others. Let's make our living peaceful, until we get a shoulder to share it with.

Everything shall be ok by then.

Life is unpredictable, so don't waste time on thinking misfortunes.
The unjust happened to us.
This too shall pass.

Collect your broken pieces. Try mending them, you shall not be successful. But you'd have tried. It's going to make you peaceful.

Until next time,
Loads of love ❤️
ValliRaghuRaman ❤️

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