Chapter 1

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The washes of colour illuminated the streets of Insomnia, it may not have been your true home but you did find the beauty and elegance of the city welcoming to you. You stretch out slightly as you breathe in, you can't help but admire the view amidst the busied swarm of people. Your thoughts of peace and tranquillity come to a halt as a large force crashes into your being. Taken aback by the random mid aged man standing in front of you your eyes can't help but squint at his displeased expression on his face staring down at you. Your eyes widen as you see he is drawn to one thing only, your follow his gaze which was leading down to your uniform and instantly you felt tense. ' God damn outsiders, they not teach you any manners or common sense in those mud huts you call homes?' He snorted in disgust and crossed his arms awaiting an apology as he tried to intimidate you with his towering height. You grit your teeth and your fists tighten, your finger nails digging into the soft leather of your gloves. You sigh in defeat and you suddenly find the ground below you interesting as you attempt to avoid his gaze. ' My apologies sir' He sent a final glare towards you which you avoided and turned on his heel in the opposite direction from you and ventured away from your being. You were left in the same spot feeling annoyed and frustrated, the only downside to this beautiful city. The only reason this illuminating jewel is not the place you can call home. The people.

A bag of goodies in hand ready for a feast of junk food for you once you return to your flat. You can't help but smile softly to yourself at your guilty pleasure, the sweet deliciousness of a good ol cup noodle, simple yet heavenly after a long day on guard duty. You breathe in with a grin as you venture to the lower levels of the city but it was just as busy as the rich upper levels of Insomnia. It may not be all that glamorous as the finer locations of this city but it was just as colourful and filled with advertisements and lights over the buildings. Fresh smells flowing through the streets from the food kiosk stalls and the welcoming sound of music filled the allies of the city. You spent all your working time on guard duty in the palace so you were accustom to the finest things that Insomnia had to offer but you did welcome this environment just the same.

You come to a halt in your travels as you hear an all to familiar voice yelling at a kiosk worker. ' What you trying to feed us? This tastes like a chocobo turd' Libertus waves his food towards the chef in disapproval. You couldn't help but chuckle a little at his childish behaviour. moving towards the commotion ' I wonder how you know what a chocobo turd tastes like Libertus, besides you know you could stop coming here and actually cook for once' you smirked. All eyes on you as you stood in front of the group. A girl stood from her seat and made a bow gesture towards you ' So glad you could grace us with your presence princess' The girl smiled up at you slyly knowing that your nickname irked you. 'pshht... You guys are never gonna stop are you?' You sigh as you shove the girl playfully as you scoot over the bench sitting next to the girl. 'Glad your highness could join us. Crowe and I thought we would be drinking alone' He raised his glass and gestured Crowe to follow in example to show appreciation in your visit. You snort in annoyance as you shift slightly in your seat noticing that they were right it was just the two of them drinking, You can't help wondering where the others were. More importantly him. ' You know it's not my fault i'm placed on guard duty' You closed your eyes trying to stay calm. ' Actually (Y/N) I think it is exactly your fault and you know it' Your gut turns as you hear the deep voice caressing your ears. You look to your friends and see there eyes light up with happiness at the direction of the person. You shift in your seat trying to meet the face of none other than the hero of you glaives. Nyx Ulric.

'Oh come on it wasn't ALL my fault ...... ok maybe.....ok ok partly.....oh fine it was but seriously can we drop it now though it's been months' You shrink your body in defeat as you attempt to avoid the humorous gazes of your friends. Nyx can't help but chuckle at you, there you are sitting there as an adult but looking like a child sulking in a corner who got caught out doing something naughty. He places a hand on your shoulder as he gestures a drink towards you for you to take. 'And here is your prize for finally accepting that nearly destroying the glaives training ground with crystal was your fault. PRINCESS'. He winks at you as you grasp a hold onto the cup, You all can't help but laugh at the memory, The sheer panic on your face, shock of your squad mates and the utter rage of your captain. All due to your magic prowess. Since that day you were sent on guard duty at the royal palace and only called upon to train new glaives on magic, while Nyx trained on warping.

You can't help but feel content amongst your friends, the city might not be all that welcoming but you appreciated the most important things within it. You look down at the table to notice the pile of empty cups gathering, you notice the time and your eyes widen with shock. Nyx notices your change in mood ' You ok there princess?' You can't help but glare at the name but confess you hadn't planned on staying out. 'Truthfully I thought it would just be the one drink tonight. not 3.....5 ..6.. oh wait 7' You slide your cup between your hands laying groggily on the table. Crowe smiled and chirped in swaying side to side in her seat ' Oh come on (Y/N) you had fun right? better than having a cup noodle and a bath on a Friday night Right..?'. She slurred the last bit as she laid her face on the cool wood of the table. Nyx seemed lost in thought of the image of you wet and naked in the bath. He caught your confused gaze on him and coughed trying to gain his composure. ' Well since your still here (Y/N) fancy another?' he pointed towards your cup. 'Trying to be a hero again aye? I already owe you one Nyx' At this rate i'll never be able to repay you' You grinned at him and he returned your sloppy smile. Libertus butted in at the mention of another round ' HEY stop trying to be a hero and making the women fall for ya even more... you better be getting me a drink too' Nyx couldn't help but laugh at his friend. Seems Nyx really was skilled at something else, he was the only one who didn't seem to be too affected by the alcohol. ' I'll get you a drink too if you drop this hero crap' He stretched out his body displaying his toned figure through his shirt gaining your attention causing a smirk to appear on his lips. ' I'll drop it for tonight but will continue in the morning' Libertus shoved his empty cup to Nyx. The glaive couldn't help but chuckle at the deal. ' You know you drive a hard bargain...alright i'm in'.

The night grew colder and you can't help but feel your eyes going heavy. You loose track of time when you're with your friends, it doesn't help that the city never seems to sleep. Lights, music and busy streets occupied Insomnia throughout the day, you can't help but chuckle slightly to yourself at the irony of the city's name. Crowe stretched out wobbling a bit attempting to gain her balance as she stood. ' I think i'm going to call it a night... well morning anyways' Everyone started shifting and gathering there stuff. Libertus grabbed Crowes belongings and it earned him a raised brow from the brunette. ' And what do you think your doing?' she questioned his actions. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the stubborn woman. ' Your drunk, I'm not letting you walk home on your own' She sneered at him and reached for her belongings but Libertus raised them over his head out of her reach teasing her like a little sister. You couldn't help but smile warmly at the bond the two shared, you reached for your bag of goodies as you waved a hand behind your head in goodbye to your friends only to be halted in the same spot. You turn your head to see the hand that held onto your own belonged to none other than Nyx. You couldn't help but gasp in shock at his random touch, He scooted closer to you whispering in your ear. ' And to think that you thought i'd let you go alone (Y/N)' You blush at the closeness, you feel the warmth of his breath against your delicate skin. ' Nyx i'm one of the strongest women in the city. I think I can handle....' You were cut off by the patronising stare of the male glaive as he smirked at your self confessed confidence. You sigh in defeat as you step forward with Nyx in hand. ' Oh fine i'll let you (escort me) home so you can feel like a hero'. The male rolled his eyes at your comment ' Hey I thought we had a deal. No more hero crap'. You chuckled looking at his sulky face 'Well that was a deal with Libertus'. He squeezes your hand tighter ' Ok PRINCESS, whatever you say'. You can't help but look down to your hand and ask 'Nyx you know you can let go now right?' He jolted his hand away avoiding your gaze. ' Sorry about that. Guess i get a bit protective sometimes'. You look at your empty hand and try to remember the warm touch from mere moments ago ' Guess that comes with being a hero aye?'.

'(Y/N) I swear to the six that if you don't stop i'll....' You shoved your hand in his entwining your fingers together causing him to stiffen taken aback from your sudden actions. ' We could of been at my place by now. Come on' Nyx sighed in defeat as he thought -God this girl is hard to read....but guess that makes her a challenge-

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