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Kaitlyn Teller

Family : John Teller (father/dead), Gemma Teller-Morrow (mother), Clay Morrow (step-father), Filip "Chibs" Telford (godfather), Jackson Teller (twin brother), Thomas Teller (younger brother/dead), Abel Teller (nephew)

Friends : Juice, Venus, Bobby, Tig, Lyla, Ratboy, Nero, Tara...

Likes : SAMCRO, Mayans, smoking, workout, singing, shooting

Dislikes : whores, ATF, Nordics, Aryans, drugs, drugs...

Tattoos : Born to Ride on her right forearm, I could conquer the world with one hand as long as you're holding the other on her right side of her back, a rose on her left arm, a crow holding the ace of spades and the eight of clubs cards on her left forearm

Things about her :

- Happy is her boyfriend since 3 years

- Chibs has been like her second father figure since he knows her

- Jax, Opie and her were inseparable when they were kids

- It's been six years that last time she saw her family and SAMCRO

Things about the Aces & Eights MC :

- Kaitlyn is the founder of the Aces & Eights

- This MC is one of the allies of Sons of Anarchy charters 

- The last president was her long-time friend Kevin who was the co-founder of the MC

  - This MC has been founded in Dallas, Texas by 5 long-time friends, which includes Kaitlyn and Kevin. They called it First 5 

- When Kevin was the president, Kaitlyn was the vice-president

- When Kevin died, she kept her cut but she gave the post of president to Louis.

Kaitlyn's patches :

- Founder

- First 5

- Ass Kicker

- Live to Ride

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