1 -What is that?

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"Ichigo?" Aoi shook her best friend's arm, trying to wake her up. The blonde did not react at all to this. "Ich-i-go?" She barely stirred, and just rolled over to face the opposite direction. Aoi sighed, with only one other option in her mind. Aoi held up her secret weapon.

"Mmm! Where's the strawberry parfait?!" Ichigo sat up and exclaimed this immediately. Her blue-haired friend laughed and handed over the delicious treat.

"Here you go, Ichigo-chan. But you need to get changed now! You do remember what's happening today, right?" Ichigo gave her a blank stare, and Aoi rolled her eyes. "Classic Ichigo. Star Anis is having their reunion tour! We're supposed to meet up with them in five minutes!"

"Aoi-chan! Why didn't you say so?" The blonde quickly finished her parfait and began running over to the Starlight Academy Stadium. Aoi stood up and began chasing after her.

"Ichigo-chan! Wait for me!"


" Made it!" Ichigo stopped as they reached their destination: the training stadium. It seemed to be empty, apart from five girls standing, waiting.

"You were lucky! If you were any later, I would have sucked your blood!" They turned around to see Yurika, holding a jet black parasol with a lace trim over her head. Otome waved her hands excitedly.

"Ichigo-tan! Aoi-tan! Hi!" Ichigo smiled at her friend's energy.

"Hi Otome-chan and Yurika-chan!" Ichigo replied, matching Otome's energy.

"Hey Strawberry!" Kaede greeted them. 

"Hey Aoi-chan and Ichigo-chan." Ran followed in behind her.

"Hello Ichigo-sama!" Sakura walked over to the group. Ichigo's eyes darted around, looking for a certain purple-haired idol. Ran seemed to pick up on this.

"Ichigo, I know you wish Mizuki was her, but she retired from being an idol." Ichigo frowned and lowered her head.

"Yeah." She said before standing up straight again and smiling. "Mizuki-senpai would want us to work hard on our Aikatsu! Let's make her proud!" Ichigo raised her hand up into the air.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in response.


"AH!" Yurika screeched as she fell on top of a bush.

"Are you okay?" Ran asked her, and Yurika just sat up triumphantly.

"Of course I am! A simple fall doesn't even leave a scratch on a vampire!" Ran rolled her eyes and smirked, before pointing to her 'vampire' friend's leg, which was out in the sun.

"I was talking about that." Yurika turned red with embarrassment, and looked away. Ichigo ignored that, and saw something in the distance.

"Everyone, do you know what that is?" Ichigo pointed to a peculiar structure, and Star Anis followed her gaze, which fell upon a box-like object.

"I'm not sure." Aoi said, examining it.

"LET'S GO CHECK IT OUT!" Otome and Kaede shouted in unison. Before the others could protest, they had already ran off towards it. The structure looked like nothing they had ever seen before, but one thing was familiar: it seemed to have an area you could put aikatsu cards in.

"Should we try put our cards in it?" Sakura asked the group, and Ran shook her head.

"We don't know what it could do, Sakur-OH MY GOSH OTOME DON'T YOU DARE!" Ran was interrupted by Otome placing her Happy Rainbow premium dress cards into the machine. Nothing happened.

"See, Ran-tan! No need to worry!" Otome said before a bright flash of light engulfed them.



"Aikatsu! Aikatsu!" Yume's chanting could be heard loud and clear while she was training. It was early in the morning, and she was the only one awake. She needed to clear her mind. "Come on Yume! You can do fifty more laps!" Yume continued, until a bright flash of light went across Four Star Academy. She used her hands to shield her eyes. "EH?"The light went down after a while, and there were seven girls, standing there confused.

"OTOME-CHAN!" Ran shouted, unaware of an ombre-haired girl looking at them like they were aliens. 

"W-Who are you?" Yume managed to squeak out nervously. Ichigo turned around to see the person talking.

"I'm Ichigo! And this is Ran, Aoi, Yurika, Sakura, Kaede and Otome!" Ichigo said with jazz hands, which only made the situation more awkward. "Do you know where Starlight Academy is? We're from there!"

"I'm sorry, but I've never heard of it. But, wait a second, are they Aikatsu cards?!" Yume exclaimed, pointing at Otome's hands, which were clutching four cards. Ichigo nodded.

"Yeah! I'm not sure if this is even possible, but we might be from another dimension!" Yume blinked.

"A-Another dimension? Maybe that's a bit extreme!" Yume began, but was interrupted by a voice coming her way. "You guys have got to hide! If anyone sees you here, you'll be told off!" She pushed them towards a bush, which they all managed to hide behind. They all peered through to spy on the girl they had just met.

"Yo, tomato!" A bown haired boy called out to her. Yume puffed out her cheeks.

"Read my lips: I am not a tomato!" She said, turning red, which only caused him to laugh.

"You are! Anyway, who were you talking to? I haven't seen them before." Yume's eyes darted around, looking for an answer that wouldn't get her new friends in trouble.

"U-Umm...that's n-none of your business! Oh, is that the time? Better be going now! Bye!" Yume immediately ran over to the bush and told them to run with her. They did as she said, and all they did was hear a 'Wait, Tomato!' in the background.


"He's not gonna let this slip by, I can tell!" Yume said in her dorm. It was really cramped with a total of eight people in there.

"Who was that? Are you dating him, cuz you really should?" Ichigo said bluntly, and Yume turned red.

"That's Subaru, the guy who keeps on calling me 'Tomato'." Aoi pulled out a pen and paper, her eyes shining.

"First things first, if you are an idol, tell me EVERYTHING about you! As the Idol Professor, I must know everything about every idol!" Yume laughed nervously and did as she was told.


Laura was outside training when someone called her over. "Hey, Sakuraba-san!" She turned around immediately to see Subaru Yuki.

"Yuki-san? What are you doing here?" She asked, confused.

"Well, tomato was with seven other girls, and they weren't from this school. Do you know who they are?" Laura tilted her head to the side.

"No idea. Sorry I couldn't be of much help." Subaru nodded, and started walking away. "Wait a second, Yuki-san!"


"When are you going to tell her how you feel?" Subaru's face lit up red.

"I-I-I D-DON'T KNO-" Laura smirked.

"Nozomu told me." Subaru rolled his eyes and ran off, and Laura sighed to herself. "I ship it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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