Part 1-Phanfiction

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*Dan's POV
After Phil encouraged me to make my first video.I did I called it "Hello Internet" I texted Phil since he was away
Dan:I did it!
Phil:really?!Congrats Dan
After Phil said congrats I  felt happy.8 days later I conviced Phil to make a video together.
*Phil's POV
Dan texted me while I was away and he did his first video I gave Dan a congrats.Then we made a Video together.I felt kinda happy that I helped Dan.17/09/10
*Dan's POV 
I moved where Philip was,in Manchester.One year later I moved in with Phil and in 2012 I became an official Londoner (according to his tweet)Since I moved in with Phil I felt happy.
*Phil's POV
After Dan moved with me in 2011,I didn't felt lonely anymore...I had Dan with me.We made videos together,eat together I had never felt so happy in my life before.
*Dan's POV
Moving in with Phil was a dream.I had never felt so happy and excited to wake up every Day and continue on with life and to be honest I hated my life and every part of my myself but going on adventure everyday and meeting Phil made me feel not like trash at least.
*Phil's POV
While editing a video,I started to think what's gonna happened these years ahead of us?I felt so sleepy and fell asleep.
*Dan's POV
I started to wondered what Phil was doing not in a perverted way.So I stood up and put my laptop down on my bed and walked to Phil's door and knocked...No response I knocked again and called his name"Phil!Can I come in?"no reponse.I opened the door a little and saw Phil sleeping when he was supposed to be editing.I slowly walked where Phil was and kneeled down to his height (when sitting)I giggled and thought" Phil is so adorable when he's sleeping.I blushed "d-did I called Phil adorable?"And I couldn't resist anymore I stood Up and kissed Phil's head.Then walked out of his room outta embarrassment.
*Phil's POV
After Dan walked out my room I blushed a bright red color.Did Dan know I was kinda awake?After the incident I finished my editing and went to bed.I woke the next morning went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet and washed my hands.Then I walked to the kitchen.I saw Dan using his phone and I said" Good Morning Danny"Dan looked up and giggled"Good Morning Phil"Then I noticed Dan wasn't eating breakfast and asked "Dan what are doing?" Dan looked up and said "waiting for you"I blushed while thinking what happened yesterday.
*Dan's POV
I saw Phil blushed"C'mon Phil Im hungry!" I complained.Phil snapped out of it"Oh right Im sorry"and sat down after getting my cereal and HIS cereal.

(Ugh Im so sorry this my first making a phanfiction)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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