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I woke to see me sexy ass wife asleep. I leap out of bed butt fucking naked after having the butt bumping with her. I kiss her white cheek with my cheeto powdered lips, while I hop into the shower. I wash my hair that is slowly going grey from having so many minions. I get out of the shower as I go into my closet filled with millions of the same clothes, beacuse you can't have to much suits right? I took a suit of the rack a put it on white long sleeve button down, black pants, red tie, black socks with black shiny shoes freshly polished and to top it all off a black jacket to prove my wealth. I go down stairs to my 10 year old sons room to wake him up to go to his private school he wakes up.
" morning dad " he blinks at me " morning Barron time for school . It's six so put on your uniform and get ready you have an hour meet me upstairs and have your breakfast the butler prepared pancakes with maple syrup "  I smiled with my cheeky deceiving smile that can fool a mouse.
" Kay " he replies
I leave the room I point out some dirt to the maids, and shout at the butler for wearing whites socks instead of black. I eat my boring corn flakes that oranger than me I finished it while responding to all my tweets, but I see one that catches my eye,

I'm heading to work but maybe a coffee run first, I'm tired I think I will go get coffee at trump tower I heard their Starbucks is one of a kind!
- Obama

Obama! The 44th president of the USA was coming to his tower he thought. He better make sure he is ready. trump rushes downstairs leaving a confused Barron behind.

So how is the story good great bad
I worked meh on it. it was a idea I came up with chapter too will be coming I don't know when but it's coming

I love you mister trump Obama x Trump fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now