The Avatar State

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It wasn't long after the attack on the Northern Water Tribe, when we set out for Omashu. Master Pakku and other Northern Water Tribe members had offered to take us close to the Earth Kingdom on their way to the Southern Tribe. I agreed to travel with Aang, Katara, and Sokka until we reached Omashu. After I'm certain they're safe, I will then make my way to Ba Sing Se. Around there is where I'll find Hisho and get everything sorted out.

One night in our cabin, on Master Pakku's boat, I was having trouble getting rest, so much has happened since I last saw Hisho. There's so much I needed to ask him about mainly our peoples disappearance. While it's not uncommon for people to leave, they don't just vanish. Stirring in my hammock, I heard Aang thrashing in his sleep before waking. Shortly after waking he went above deck followed by Katara.

"His nightmare's have been getting worse," I thought, "I want to make sure he's okay, but he probably won't open up about it if he's with me. I hope these guys will look out for each other when I'm gone."


The next morning, we prepared to set off from the ship to an Earth Kingdom outpost. From there they would escort us to Omashu. After all the supplies were packed aboard Appa, Master Pakku came to bid us farewell.

"Katara, I want you to have this," said Master Pakku as he handed her a small vial with the Water Tribe insignia on it, "This contains water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has unique properties, don't lose it."

"Thank you Master Pakku," thanked Katara as she hugged him farewell.

"Aang," continued Pakku, after Katara boarded Appa, giving Aang a box filled with scrolls, "These scrolls with help you master Waterbending, but remember. They are no substitute for a real master."

After the two glaced at Katara, the two bowed and Aang boarded Appa.

"Sokka," called Master Pakku, Sokka gave him a big old smile, "Take care son."

To which Sokka's smile faded, realising he was given nothing, then join the other two.

Laughing a bit at Sokka's face, I went to Master Pakku to say goodbye.

"Hikaru," smiled Master Pakku, "I hope you find what your looking for out there." He then surprised me with a warm hug and whispered , "Take care of yourself Serene."

"I will, Master," I said then finally boarded Appa.

"Fly straight to the Earth Kingdom base to the east of here," instructed Master Pakku, "General Fong will provide you with an escort to Omashu. There you'll be safe, to begin your Earthbending training with King Bumi."

"Appa Yip, Yip!" called Aang.

"Say hi to Gran Gran for me!" called out Katara as Appa took to the skies.

"I'm definitely getting too used to flying," I thought enjoying the breezy air hitting my face, "I'm going to miss this once we make it to Omashu. However even though I'm glad we're moving again, I can't help, but think that something bad is about to happen."


After a few hours of traveling through the Earth Kingdom, Sokka shouts, "There is it!"

We see an orange tower in the middle of a circular white wall, it was there we would find General Fong. As we landed on the top of the tower, a tall man in an Earth Kingdom army uniform, with many more behind him, comes out to greet us.

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