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Andrew's POV:

"As soon as I met him, I fell in love with him. He so vulnerable, I just want to support him, to support his genius, and to be protective of him and want him for myself. To... to be his boyfriend, really, um, in – in every way but a sexual way.


Is very easy for me to spend every day, every moment with him


That was a piece of cake to fall in love with Jesse"


"I care about Jesse deeply. I care about him as soon as I met him, because he just look so... fragile. And vulnerable. And, as soon as you get to know him a little bit, you admire him greatly. He's... he's brilliant."


"I gave him my money, my trust, my love, my loyalty and I was there for him... I'm speaking like I'm Eduardo."


" My connection with Jesse... Um, I can talk – I can talk about that for days, and weeks, and months, and years *laugh*"


"And me and Jesse – like, it was already there. You can look at Jesse's face and you kind of just want to engulf him and protect him from the world... He's this vulnerable creature. And a wonderful, wonderful, brilliant mind and a brilliant actor."


"I really uncomfortable. I'm looking for Jesse hand but it's not there"


It was very easy to project that onto such an innocent face and innocent soul


At one point I'll made him say: "I love you, you're my best friend. Come and we will get married and we will live in a house together"  


"I miss everyone, especially Jesse. That was a great time."


"We really liked each other a lot and still do."


Jesse's POV

Interviewer: Jesse, do you still keep in touch with Andrew?

Jesse: (*smiles)

Interviewer: From the Social Network...

Jesse: Yes, yes, yes, yes, thanks

Interviewer: Are you guys besties?

Jesse: Uh yeah, we're, yeah, yeah. I mean we live in...

Interviewer: I feel like I'm prying...

Jesse: No, no, no, no, I mean, yeah,no, uh I, I, oh I love him, I mean he's...

Interviewer: Yes, yes, yes, you are

Jesse: Oh no, I lo... he, hes a great friend, yeah, absolutely, sure.

Interviewer: Ok, uhh-

Jesse: Yeah, yeah, really..

Interviewer: uhh..

Jesse: No, no that's true, that's true, I mean we live in different countries most of the time but friends nonetheless.


  "And then when we came back to LA I was miserable. Andrew has a girlfriend here and so he wouldn't spend every minute with me." 


Interviewer: Which Actor would you most like to work with next in a film?

Jesse: *point* Andrew


 "When we were in Boston it was like we'd wake up and we'd be the only people we'd know."  


Sweet times 

Jesse: How did you fall in love with me on screen (and off)?

Andrew: Uhm there something about your face, that kinda engenders... a well of joy springs from my soul. You remind me of a dog I once had *laugh*


Andrew: The first time I met you is the same time you first met me

Jesse: What a coincident.


Jesse: You didn't know me at 13

Andrew: I really wish I did


Jesse: Cause he's British, so when we were going long distances, I would drive him in the morning and, uhm, he had to be cordial to me, because I'm a terrible driver.

Andrew: *Laugh* He really is!


Andrew: He had to repress a lot of his sexiness as well, which I think he found very difficult.

Jesse: I though that was a great failure, the repression.

Andrew: It still came through in the end. Sue me.


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