Fall of Wendyland

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Russian and NATO negotiations were failing. We had no idea what would happen next. Many feared the worst. Most thought that nuclear strikes would befall all the world, and everyone would be turned to ash and dust, thus ending the human race. However what happened next no one could have predicted. 

Near the border of Russia was the small nation of wendyland. It was far smaller than any other nation that could be found anywhere on the globe. Although wendyland was small, it had maintained its sovereignty through great feats of political agility. It had been an ally with the Russian federation for some time.

However, unknown to either the Russian Federation or wendyland, a small dispatch of NATO recruitment units had reached wendyland, with the suspicion that Russia may try and recruit many of these wendyland citizens for their cause. The NATO force began secretly recruiting many people to the "noble cause" which they had designed specifically to attempt to recruit people into their ranks.

With nearly half of the population of the wendyland nation under NATO control, no Russian forces had yet to be encountered in the area. 

But soon that would all change.


I woke up, sweat dripping from my forehead. Wendyland was such a hellhole, why did anyone live here? None of the grasses here were green, and the only forest for miles was near the old farming fields. The temperature was nearing at least a hundred degrees. Why did I even join this regiment? Of all the regiments I could have chosen I decided to choose the recruitment special forces regiment. If I had known this I would definitely have not chosen this one.

I sat up from my sleeping bag , which was completely covered in the dry windy dust from the fields. I gathered up my clothes and quickly swiped my deodorant stick between my arm pits. I got on my DCU and my backpack. I did a quick check. It was then that I realized that the sun hadn't even risen and it was burning hot. I checked my watch. It was nearly one in the morning. Stand two was in an hour.

I grabbed my EC1, attached my suppressor, and left my tent. I walked through the tall dry grasses, each one rustling a chorus to the wind. There was a clear blue lake north of our camp and I walked there. But before I even got halfway to the lake I heard a low rumbling noise. 

Must be a truck from town. I thought. but soon the rumbling stopped. I stood still, listening closely. I turned around and looked towards camp. The lights from our tents glowed like small stars. I suddenly felt anxious. I heard some rustling and turned to my right, gun raised. I breathed I sigh of relief when it was just my tent mate Gregorio. 

"Woah woah! Calm down dude!" he looked very surprised and glad that I didn't shoot right through him.

"Sorry, I'm a bit on edge lately. I don't quite know why."

"Eh. Its early. You had a weird dream last night or something?"

"No. I never have dreams. You know me."

"Huh. Did you hear that rumbling earlier?" he asked.

"Yeah. Must've been a truck from town. I wonder what they are doing this early."

"You don't think we've been tipped off to the Russians?"

"I really hope not." I replied, a hint of worry in my voice.

We sat there looking into the glassy surface of the lake. The sky turned a golden yellow and purple. The sun was slowly coming up. In summer up this north it is always strange to see the sun rise at one in the morning. It extremely beautiful though.

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